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Atlantic Coast For-Hire Review December 2008 1. For-Hire Survey Recommendations Catch and Biological Sampling Catch and Biological Sampling Classify charter.

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Presentation on theme: "Atlantic Coast For-Hire Review December 2008 1. For-Hire Survey Recommendations Catch and Biological Sampling Catch and Biological Sampling Classify charter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atlantic Coast For-Hire Review December 2008 1

2 For-Hire Survey Recommendations Catch and Biological Sampling Catch and Biological Sampling Classify charter boats based on where they operate from into either public or private docks or ramps. Classify charter boats based on where they operate from into either public or private docks or ramps. Use random selection process to select boat trips from private sited boats to survey. Use random selection process to select boat trips from private sited boats to survey. 2

3 Re: the inactive site substitution process, such substitution should not occur and additional sampler resources needed to follow a stricter random sampling procedure without alternative site selection should be implemented. Re: the inactive site substitution process, such substitution should not occur and additional sampler resources needed to follow a stricter random sampling procedure without alternative site selection should be implemented. –Current results could be biased toward more active boats 3

4 Clearly specify a random selection process for samplers to follow in selecting anglers whose catch they are going to inspect and record. Clearly specify a random selection process for samplers to follow in selecting anglers whose catch they are going to inspect and record. Initiate inspections for a sample of late afternoon, evening and night fishing vessels. Initiate inspections for a sample of late afternoon, evening and night fishing vessels. 4

5 VDTS Telephone Survey Recommendations Make sure a process is in place to obtain contact information for all vessels, so that the sample frame accurately reflects boat population. Make sure a process is in place to obtain contact information for all vessels, so that the sample frame accurately reflects boat population. 5

6 The apparent headboat-charter boat definition inconsistency should be addressed, though given the longevity of the SE Headboat survey, comparability of results concerns are an issue also. The apparent headboat-charter boat definition inconsistency should be addressed, though given the longevity of the SE Headboat survey, comparability of results concerns are an issue also. 6

7 This is a census that is mandatory, so sampling issues are not relevant This is a census that is mandatory, so sampling issues are not relevant Time delay issues due to monthly reporting exist. Time delay issues due to monthly reporting exist. –Recall error is likely a problem 7

8 Vessel Trip Report Program Recommendations The accuracy of reported information appears to be a potential problem. Validation efforts are needed. The accuracy of reported information appears to be a potential problem. Validation efforts are needed. Vessel checks for presence or absence in marina on certain days; cross-checked with later submission of VTR could identify problem vessels to be reported for probable non-compliance Vessel checks for presence or absence in marina on certain days; cross-checked with later submission of VTR could identify problem vessels to be reported for probable non-compliance 8

9 Efforts to increase the timeliness of making VTR data available should be reviewed and/or that regulations requiring specific data elements in the VTR might be modified so that equivalent information available from other sources be allowed? Efforts to increase the timeliness of making VTR data available should be reviewed and/or that regulations requiring specific data elements in the VTR might be modified so that equivalent information available from other sources be allowed? –Are there not ways that the duplication of data collection can be collapsed into a single overall survey that could meet all current data needs by standardizing the needed information in each survey into a master survey that could be collected in one timely data collection process instead of multiple overlapping processes? 9

10 Alternative submission methods, such as on-line web based forms should be implemented. Alternative submission methods, such as on-line web based forms should be implemented. 10

11 Large Pelagics Survey Recommendations Re: LPIS random selection of vessels Re: LPIS random selection of vessels –specific guidelines on how the boat to be surveyed should be selected, should be specified If there is a difference in participation rates between HMS and nonHMS license holders in participation with the LPTS, a procedure to encourage or require participation should be considered and implemented, if feasible If there is a difference in participation rates between HMS and nonHMS license holders in participation with the LPTS, a procedure to encourage or require participation should be considered and implemented, if feasible 11

12 We recommend probability proportional to size sampling with the size measure being some advance projection of the catch. We recommend probability proportional to size sampling with the size measure being some advance projection of the catch. –This is what pressure tries to get at. Operationally, this can be done with stratified sampling and sampling of some strata at higher rates, directly with PPS (probability proportional to size) sampling, or a combination of the two. 12

13 Southeast Headboat Survey Recommendations A more structured and randomized sampling procedure for selecting boats should be implemented and adhered to. A more structured and randomized sampling procedure for selecting boats should be implemented and adhered to. After the results of the comparison between the FHS and SEHB survey are available, presumably a decision will be made as to which single survey will continue to be implemented. After the results of the comparison between the FHS and SEHB survey are available, presumably a decision will be made as to which single survey will continue to be implemented. 13

14 A random selection process for choosing anglers to inspect upon arrival at the dock should be implemented, to support a probability sampling approach. A random selection process for choosing anglers to inspect upon arrival at the dock should be implemented, to support a probability sampling approach. –Picking a random number by some process and then counting the departing anglers and selecting the one with that number; and then doing the same thing again, when ready to select another, would be one approach. 14

15 Taking steps in increase compliance with the logbook reporting should be accelerated and enforced and publicized. Taking steps in increase compliance with the logbook reporting should be accelerated and enforced and publicized. Validation efforts that are currently being utilized should continue. Validation efforts that are currently being utilized should continue. 15

16 Maryland Chesapeake Bay Logbook Program It is not clear from the information provided if there is any advantage in conducting this state survey over relying on FHS information. It is not clear from the information provided if there is any advantage in conducting this state survey over relying on FHS information. It mentions daily record keeping requirement but then says it is due in June of each year. Does this mean it is submitted only once a year, maybe even after 18 months if they are late? It mentions daily record keeping requirement but then says it is due in June of each year. Does this mean it is submitted only once a year, maybe even after 18 months if they are late? – –Recall issues? 16

17 Recommendations Status of released catch should be added to the report. Status of released catch should be added to the report. Discussions with the state of Maryland regarding how the FHS might meet their needs without requiring the logbook. Discussions with the state of Maryland regarding how the FHS might meet their needs without requiring the logbook. –Maybe work with someone at MD CZM who might assist with directing us to someone in MD willing to simplify process? 17

18 Improving Government Efficiency... "Improving Government Efficiency" is one of three broad themes for Maryland's Coastal Program. Successful coastal zone management requires comprehensive and active participation by both public and private interests. Maryland's Coastal Program strives to coordinate and simplify procedures and give timely notification of and opportunities for public and local government participation and decision- making to ensure efficiency in coastal zone management. Ensure Federal and State Consistency with State Policies Review federal licensing and permitting activities Review directly conducted and supported federal activities Ensure adequate state level coordination Goal:Simplify Permit Processes 18

19 Implement accuracy of logbook data validation efforts. Implement accuracy of logbook data validation efforts. 19

20 South Carolina Logbook Program Recommendation Implement accuracy of logbook data validation efforts. Implement accuracy of logbook data validation efforts. 20

21 Gulf Coast 21

22 Recommendations The coordination of Texas fisheries sampling and data collection with the other gulf coast fisheries should continue in order to permit reporting on a common temporal basis and to permit meaningful data comparisons across fisheries. The coordination of Texas fisheries sampling and data collection with the other gulf coast fisheries should continue in order to permit reporting on a common temporal basis and to permit meaningful data comparisons across fisheries. 22

23 Coordination with ENP Guide Logbook surveys should also be implemented to improve overall coverage and eliminate some possible duplicate efforts. Coordination with ENP Guide Logbook surveys should also be implemented to improve overall coverage and eliminate some possible duplicate efforts. Population definitions need to be clearly stated to clarify whether area fished or area landed is the basis for reporting. Population definitions need to be clearly stated to clarify whether area fished or area landed is the basis for reporting. 23

24 Frame undercoverage needs to be documented and examined periodically to be sure that the undercoverage is indeed negligible or whether some effort should be devoted to extend coverage (e.g., to night time fishing). Frame undercoverage needs to be documented and examined periodically to be sure that the undercoverage is indeed negligible or whether some effort should be devoted to extend coverage (e.g., to night time fishing). 24

25 In most surveys, nonresponse adjustments are based on weight adjustments or on imputation. In most surveys, nonresponse adjustments are based on weight adjustments or on imputation. –A continuing research effort should be undertaken to find reasonable ways of adjusting for both nonresponse and undercoverage. 25

26 Log books are required for head boats on a 100 percent basis. Log books are required for head boats on a 100 percent basis. Charter boats provide weekly log book data for sample weeks as part of the telephone survey of effort. Charter boats provide weekly log book data for sample weeks as part of the telephone survey of effort. Since log books are not mandated for all weeks of operation, a good probability sample of charter boat weeks appears to be a reasonable approach. Since log books are not mandated for all weeks of operation, a good probability sample of charter boat weeks appears to be a reasonable approach. 26

27 Verification of log book data should be based on dock side verification methods which are based on probability sampling. Verification of log book data should be based on dock side verification methods which are based on probability sampling. –Log book and dockside sampling can be coordinated using double sampling techniques to adjust the log book estimates based on more accurate data obtained by trained observers in the dockside intercept portion of the study. 27

28 The respondent sample is routinely treated as the selected sample for estimation purposes. The respondent sample is routinely treated as the selected sample for estimation purposes. The selection of the CPUE sample by site introduces an additional stage into the sampling process with large cluster sizes which tend to increase variance with even a small intracluster correlation. The selection of the CPUE sample by site introduces an additional stage into the sampling process with large cluster sizes which tend to increase variance with even a small intracluster correlation. 28

29 Probability proportional to size sampling could be used to good advantage to control the workload and to improve precision through more optimal sample allocation. Probability proportional to size sampling could be used to good advantage to control the workload and to improve precision through more optimal sample allocation. 29

30 Similar data are obtained from multiple sources. Similar data are obtained from multiple sources. It should be possible to establish a system of preliminary estimates by month and revised estimates using more reliable sources or multiple-frame estimation procedures to improve precision and control bias. It should be possible to establish a system of preliminary estimates by month and revised estimates using more reliable sources or multiple-frame estimation procedures to improve precision and control bias. 30

31 The sampling for CPUE appears to be based on site and time assignments with accompanying quotas for number of vessels or number fish of certain types to be observed. The sampling for CPUE appears to be based on site and time assignments with accompanying quotas for number of vessels or number fish of certain types to be observed. Data collectors have too much discretion in selecting the sample including shifting assignments. Data collectors have too much discretion in selecting the sample including shifting assignments. 31

32 Probability sampling methods need to be developed and used to select the sample at all stages of sample selection. Probability sampling methods need to be developed and used to select the sample at all stages of sample selection. Estimation procedures should be based on the probability sampling designs. Estimation procedures should be based on the probability sampling designs. Sample weights should be applied to the data based on the probability sample design plus adjustments for nonresponse and undercoverage. Sample weights should be applied to the data based on the probability sample design plus adjustments for nonresponse and undercoverage. 32

33 At sea data collection is limited to headboats and was discontinued in Alabama and West Florida. At sea data collection is limited to headboats and was discontinued in Alabama and West Florida. The need for and value of at sea sampling and data collection should be reviewed and either implemented for large vessels on a consistent basis or dropped along with improvements in other methods. The need for and value of at sea sampling and data collection should be reviewed and either implemented for large vessels on a consistent basis or dropped along with improvements in other methods. 33

34 The NRC report urged additional staffing to supplement NMFS statistical expertise. The NRC report urged additional staffing to supplement NMFS statistical expertise. A continuous improvement program to develop and monitor probability sampling methods and the associated estimation methods will require the type of staffing recommended by NRC. A continuous improvement program to develop and monitor probability sampling methods and the associated estimation methods will require the type of staffing recommended by NRC. 34

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