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Giuseppe Bianchi Warm-up example 1 found on a real paper! Warm-up example 1 found on a real paper!

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Presentation on theme: "Giuseppe Bianchi Warm-up example 1 found on a real paper! Warm-up example 1 found on a real paper!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Giuseppe Bianchi Warm-up example 1 found on a real paper! Warm-up example 1 found on a real paper!

2 Giuseppe Bianchi One time pad (Vernam cipher) = 10111101… ----- = 00110010… 10001111…  00110010… =  10111101… Key: random bit sequence as long as the plaintext Encrypt by bitwise XOR of plaintext and key: ciphertext = plaintext  key Decrypt by bitwise XOR of ciphertext and key: ciphertext  key = (plaintext  key)  key = plaintext  (key  key) = plaintext Source: V. Shmatikov

3 Giuseppe Bianchi One time pad  Unconditionally secure (perfect secrecy – see Shannon)  If as many keys as messages  keys must be as long as plaintext  If keys are random  But…  No integrity  Eve can change message  Insecure if keys are reused  XOR  key cancels, plaintext XOR  Random means… random...!!

4 Giuseppe Bianchi A recent paper (RFID mutual authentication - simplified) readertag Last key K i Secret S query M1 = S  K i K i+1 =PRNG(K i ) verify S  K i, K i K i+1 =PRNG(K i ) M2 = S  K i+1 Verify K i+2 =PRNG(K i+1 ) K i+2 =PRNG(K i+1 )  store Security proof: formal analyzer (AVISPA)  OK!

5 Giuseppe Bianchi OK? M1  M2 = = (S  K i )(S  K i+1 ) = = K i  K i+1 = random, no information, no disclosure of PNRG state (if yes  game over) Apparently, still OK…  one time pad with pseudo-random  stream cipher  Seems ok, as the state of the PRNG is unknown  Last key stored  What if:

6 Giuseppe Bianchi OK????????  Constant ciphertext  PSEUDO random generator  KNOWN PRNG  Worst: 16 bits!! But worse than this.. Run: for(x i =0; x i <2 16 ; x i ++) Z i = x i  PRNG(x i ) Until: Z i == M1  M2 = K i  K i+1 Hence set: K i = PRNG(x i )  Attacker’s PRNG sync-ed!!!

7 Giuseppe Bianchi Example 3 bit toy generator  prng[0]= 6;  prng[6]= 7;  prng[7]= 5;  prng[5]= 1;  prng[1]= 3;  prng[3]= 4;  prng[4]= 2;  prng[2]= 0; tag query M1 = 5 = S  K i M2 = 2 = S  K i+1 reader Attacker computes 5  2 = = 0101  0010 = 0111 = 7

8 Giuseppe Bianchi And computes table:  0  prng[0]= 6;  1  prng[1]= 2;  2  prng[2]= 2;  3  prng[3]= 7;  4  prng[4]= 6;  5  prng[5]= 4;  6  prng[6]= 1;  7  prng[7]= 2; Example tag query M1 = 5 = S  K i M2 = 2 = S  K i+1 reader K i = 3 K i+1 = 4 S = 5  3 = 6 or, otherwise, S = 2  4 = 6 GAME OVER!

9 Giuseppe Bianchi What if… computed table:  0  prng[0]= 6;  1  prng[1]= 2;  2  prng[2]= 2;  3  prng[3]= 7;  4  prng[4]= 6;  5  prng[5]= 4;  6  prng[6]= 1;  7  prng[7]= 2; tag query M1 = 4 = S  K i M2 = 6 = S  K i+1 reader K i = 1, 2 or 7 (hence K i+1 = 3, 0, or 5) S = 5, 6, 3 instead of random[0,7]!!! (and will be discovered at next attempt) M1  M2 = 4  6 = 2

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