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Chapter 7: Gendered Family Dynamics Copyright © 2005 Wadsworth 1 Chapter Seven: Gendered Family Dynamics gendered lives.

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1 Chapter 7: Gendered Family Dynamics Copyright © 2005 Wadsworth 1 Chapter Seven: Gendered Family Dynamics gendered lives

2 “The family is the lynchpin of gender, reproducing it from one generation to the next.” ~ Susan Moller Okin Copyright © 2005 Wadsworth

3 Chapter 7: Gendered Family Dynamics Copyright © 2005 Wadsworth 3 Entering a Gendered Society Self-as-Object  First Views are External  Later Internalize Views of Self  Internalize Only After Experiencing Others Microsoft Image

4 Chapter 7: Gendered Family Dynamics Copyright © 2005 Wadsworth 4 Microsoft Image Entering a Gendered Society Monitoring Internal Dialogues Monitor Selves Tell Selves What to Think, Do, Look Like, and Feel Use Symbols to Define Self Gender and Society Gender and Society

5 Chapter 7: Gendered Family Dynamics Copyright © 2005 Wadsworth 5 Gendering Communication in the Family Unconscious Processes Social Learning and Cognitive Development

6 Chapter 7: Gendered Family Dynamics Copyright © 2005 Wadsworth 6 Unconscious Processes: Identification & Internalization Sigmund Freud  Anatomy is Destiny  Little Empirical Support Families ARE Critical to Formation of Gender Identity Microsoft Image

7 Chapter 7: Gendered Family Dynamics Copyright © 2005 Wadsworth 7 Microsoft Image Unconscious Processes: Identification & Internalization Around Age 3 Male and Female Development Diverges Boys Identify Less with Mothers, More with Males Complicated by Lack of Men in Lives

8 Chapter 7: Gendered Family Dynamics Copyright © 2005 Wadsworth 8 Unconscious Processes: Identification & Internalization Girls Rewarded for Interactions with Mothers See Mother as Role Model for Femininity Boys Rewarded for Roaming and Independence Microsoft Image0

9 Chapter 7: Gendered Family Dynamics Copyright © 2005 Wadsworth 9 Unconscious Processes: Identification & Internalization Discussion of Gender, Not Sex Not Born to Be Connected or Independent Masculine Women and Men Value Independence and Distance Feminine Women and Men Value Relationships and Closeness

10 Chapter 7: Gendered Family Dynamics Copyright © 2005 Wadsworth 10 Unconscious Processes: Identification & Internalization Ego Boundaries  Where Self Stops and World Begins  Female Boundaries More Permeable  Male Boundaries Less Permeable

11 Chapter 7: Gendered Family Dynamics Copyright © 2005 Wadsworth 11 Parental Communication about Gender Value of Males and Females Reflects Gender Stereotypes Different Expectations for Achievement Conveyed Through Toys, Clothes, & Chores Microsoft Image

12 Chapter 7: Gendered Family Dynamics Copyright © 2005 Wadsworth 12 Parental Modeling Masculinity and Femininity Male-Female Relationships Gender and Physical Appearance Microsoft Image

13 Chapter 7: Gendered Family Dynamics Copyright © 2005 Wadsworth 13 Different Contributions of Mothers and Fathers Fathers Help with Agency Mothers Help with Competence in Relationships Fathers Play More, Care Take Less

14 Chapter 7: Gendered Family Dynamics Copyright © 2005 Wadsworth 14 Growing Up Masculine Don’t Be Female Be Successful Be Aggressive Be Sexual Be Self-Reliant Microsoft Image

15 Chapter 7: Gendered Family Dynamics Copyright © 2005 Wadsworth 15 Growing Up Feminine Appearance Still Counts Be Sensitive and Caring Negative Treatment by Others Be Superwoman No Single Meaning of Feminine Anymore Microsoft Image

16 Chapter 7: Gendered Family Dynamics Copyright © 2005 Wadsworth 16 Growing Up Outside Conventional Gender Roles Gay Men Ostracized because Perceived as Feminine Transgendered and Intersexed People Want Choice

17 Chapter 7: Gendered Family Dynamics Copyright © 2005 Wadsworth 17 gendered lives

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