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CPE432 Chapter 4B.1Dr. W. Abu-Sufah, UJ Chapter 4B: The Processor, Part B-2 Read Section 4.7 Adapted from Slides by Prof. Mary Jane Irwin, Penn State University.

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Presentation on theme: "CPE432 Chapter 4B.1Dr. W. Abu-Sufah, UJ Chapter 4B: The Processor, Part B-2 Read Section 4.7 Adapted from Slides by Prof. Mary Jane Irwin, Penn State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 CPE432 Chapter 4B.1Dr. W. Abu-Sufah, UJ Chapter 4B: The Processor, Part B-2 Read Section 4.7 Adapted from Slides by Prof. Mary Jane Irwin, Penn State University And Slides Supplied by the textbook publisher

2 CPE432 Chapter 4B.2Dr. W. Abu-Sufah, UJ Memory-to-Memory Copies Data Hazard ALU IM Reg DMReg I n s t r. O r d e r 1 lw $1,4($2) 2 sw $1,4($3) ALU IM Reg DMReg  load immediately followed by store (memory-to-memory copy)  What could be done? CC0CC1CC2CC3CC4 CC5 CC6CC7CC8 The Data Hazard: Instruction 1 loads register 1 in clock cycle 4 instruction 2 needs the NEW data of register 1 during clock cycle 2

3 CPE432 Chapter 4B.3Dr. W. Abu-Sufah, UJ Memory-to-Memory Copies Data Hazard ALU IM Reg DMReg I n s t r. O r d e r 1 lw $1,4($2) 2 sw $1,4($3) ALU IM Reg DMReg  Can fix data hazard by waiting – stalling CC0CC1CC2CC3CC4 CC5 CC6CC7CC8 stall Instruction 1 writes data in register 1 in first half of cycle 4 instruction 2 reads data from register 1 in second half of cycle 4 The data hazard is resolved! (BUT impacts CPI)

4 CPE432 Chapter 4B.4Dr. W. Abu-Sufah, UJ Memory-to-Memory Copies I n s t r. O r d e r lw $1,4($2) ALU IM Reg DMReg sw $1,4($3) ALU IM Reg DMReg  For loads immediately followed by stores (memory-to- memory copies) can avoid a stall by adding forwarding hardware from the MEM/WB register to the data memory input. l Would need to add a Forward Unit and a mux to the MEM stage CC0CC1CC2CC3CC4 CC5 CC6CC7CC8

5 CPE432 Chapter 4B.5Dr. W. Abu-Sufah, UJ Add-to-store hazard I n s t r. O r d e r add $1, ALU IM Reg DMReg sw $1,4($3) ALU IM Reg DMReg  What if lw was replaced with add $1, - is forwarding still needed? From where, to where? CC0CC1CC2CC3CC4 CC5 CC6CC7CC8

6 CPE432 Chapter 4B.6Dr. W. Abu-Sufah, UJ Forwarding with Load-use Data Hazards I n s t r. O r d e r lw $1,4($2) and $6,$1,$7 xor $4,$1,$5 or $8,$1,$9 ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DM ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg sub $4,$1,$5 CC0CC1CC2CC3CC4 CC5 CC6CC7CC8

7 CPE432 Chapter 4B.7Dr. W. Abu-Sufah, UJ stall Forwarding with Load-use Data Hazards I n s t r. O r d e r lw $1,4($2) sub $4,$1,$5 and $6,$1,$7 xor $4,$1,$5 or $8,$1,$9 ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DM ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg ALU IM Reg DMReg sub $4,$1,$5 and $6,$1,$7 xor $4,$1,$5 or $8,$1,$9  Will still need one stall cycle even with forwarding CC0CC1CC2CC3CC4 CC5 CC6CC7CC8 Before stalling, when lw instruction was in the EX stage, the Use instructionn was in the ID stage

8 CPE432 Chapter 4B.8Dr. W. Abu-Sufah, UJ Load-use Hazard Detection Unit  Need a Hazard Detection Unit in the ID stage that inserts a stall between the load and its use 1.ID Hazard Detection Unit: if (ID/EX.MemRead and ((ID/EX.RegisterRt = IF/ID.RegisterRs) or (ID/EX.RegisterRt = IF/ID.RegisterRt))) stall the pipeline  The first line tests to see if the instruction now in the EX stage is a lw ; the next two lines check to see if the target register of the lw ( ID/EX.RegisterRt ) matches either Rs or Rt register of the instruction in the ID stage (the load-use instruction)  After this one cycle stall, the forwarding logic can handle the remaining data hazards When lw instruction is in the EX stage, the load-use instruction is in the ID stage

9 CPE432 Chapter 4B.9Dr. W. Abu-Sufah, UJ Hazard (Detection)/Stall Hardware  Along with the ID Hazard Detection Unit, we have to implement the stall. This means:  Prevent the instructions in the IF and ID stages from progressing down the pipeline – done by preventing the PC register and the IF/ID pipeline register from changing The ID Hazard Detection Unit controls the writing of the PC and IF/ID registers through the use of the signals ( PC.write ) ( IF/ID.write )  Insert a “bubble” between the lw instruction (in the EX stage) and the “load-use” instruction (in the ID stage) (i.e., insert a noop in the execution stream) Set the control bits in the EX, MEM, and WB control fields of the ID/EX pipeline register to 0 ( noop ). The ID Hazard Unit controls the mux that chooses between the real control values and the 0’s.

10 CPE432 Chapter 4B.10Dr. W. Abu-Sufah, UJ Hazard (Detection)/Stall Hardware (cont.)  Let the lw instruction and the instructions after it in the pipeline (before it in the code) proceed normally down the pipeline

11 CPE432 Chapter 4B.11Dr. W. Abu-Sufah, UJ Adding the Hazard/Stall Hardware Read Address Instruction Memory Add PC 4 Write Data Read Addr 1 Read Addr 2 Write Addr Register File Read Data 1 Read Data 2 1632 ALU Shift left 2 Add Data Memory Address Write Data Read Data IF/ID Sign Extend ID/EX EX/MEM MEM/WB Control ALU cntrl Branch PCSrc Forward Unit Hazard Unit 0 1

12 CPE432 Chapter 4B.12Dr. W. Abu-Sufah, UJ Adding the Hazard/Stall Hardware Read Address Instruction Memory Add PC 4 Write Data Read Addr 1 Read Addr 2 Write Addr Register File Read Data 1 Read Data 2 1632 ALU Shift left 2 Add Data Memory Address Write Data Read Data IF/ID Sign Extend ID/EX EX/MEM MEM/WB Control ALU cntrl Branch PCSrc Forward Unit Hazard Unit 0 1 ID/EX.RegisterRt 0 ID/EX.MemRead PC.Write IF/ID.Write IF/ID.RegisterRs and IF/ID.RegisterRt

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