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Integrating Concepts in Biology PowerPoint Slides for Chapter 8: Evolution of Organisms by A. Malcolm Campbell, Laurie J. Heyer, and Chris Paradise.

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1 Integrating Concepts in Biology PowerPoint Slides for Chapter 8: Evolution of Organisms by A. Malcolm Campbell, Laurie J. Heyer, and Chris Paradise

2 An orchid growing wild in Torres Del Paine National Park. Front art piece UN8.1

3 Figure 8.1 Relationship between height of parents and offspring

4 MidparentChild Midparent Squared Midparent times ChildCoef on mCoef on bRHS 70.561.74970.254349.854333017.5633904318042 68.561.74692.254226.456339092863186.1 65.561.74290.254041.35 64.561.74160.253979.65m=0.646 6461.740963948.8b=23.942 67.562.24556.254198.5 67.562.24556.254198.5 67.562.24556.254198.5 BME 8.1

5 Figure 8.2 Mean blood pressures for rats in two colonies

6 Figure 8.3 Portions of the β and α adducin subunit DNA sequences and corresponding amino acid sequence position along the protein letters correspond to different amino acids

7 Figure 8.4 Systolic BPs of the 3 combinations of 2 versions of the β adducin gene in rats from the low BP colony

8 Figure 8.5 BP of 9 combinations of two versions of the α and β adducin genes in rats after two generations of breeding low and high blood pressure rats together.

9 Table 8.1 Variation of combinations of the two adducin genes a.Range of alleles contributed from male parent α F / β Q α F / β R α Y / β Q α Y / β R Range of alleles contributed from female parent α F / β Q α F α F / β Q β Q α F α F / β Q β R α F α Y / β Q β Q α F α Y / β Q β R α F / β R α F α F / β Q β R α F α F / β R β R α F α Y / β Q β R α F α Y / β R β R α Y / β Q α F α Y / β Q β Q α F α Y / β Q β R α Y α Y / β Q β Q α Y α Y / β Q β R α Y / β R α F α Y / β Q β R α F α Y / β R β R α Y α Y / β Q β R α Y α Y / β R β R b.Range of gene versions contributed from male parent α F / β Q α Y / β R Range of alleles contributed from female parent α F / β Q α F α F / β Q β Q α F α Y / β Q β R α Y / β R α F α Y / β Q β R α Y α Y / β R β R

10 Table 8.2 Zinc and copper contamination and pH in soils surrounding a smelting operation in Pennsylvania Species and siteZinc (ppm)Copper (ppm)pH Sandwort – near7,500156.3 Sandwort – medium3,344106.2 Sandwort – far9752.55.4 Honeysuckle – near5,87536.8 Honeysuckle – far4016.8

11 Figure 8.6 Stomata and hair densities of two species collected at two times and grown in controlled conditions

12 Figure 8.7 Responses of the acorn barnacle (Chthamalus anisopoma) to the snail predator (Acanthina).

13 Figure 8.8 Survival of guppies with different behavioral tendencies to inspect potential predators

14 Figure 8.9 Mean number of predator inspections by bright and drab male guppies (per 30 minute observation time).

15 Figure 8.10

16 Figure 8.11

17 Figure 8.12

18 Figure 8.13

19 Figure 8.14

20 Figure 8.15

21 Figure 8.16

22 Table 8.3 Phenotypic characters for several orchid genera. Specimenabcdefghijklmn Altensteinia00001001010021 Gomphichis10000000010011 Goodyera01001001011101 Microchilus01001001001101 Meliorchis01101001001101

23 Table 8.3 Phenotypic characters for several orchid genera. Specimenabcdefghijklmn Altensteinia00001001010021 Gomphichis10000000010011 Goodyera01001001011101 Microchilus01001001001101 Meliorchis01101001001101 The fossilized orchid

24 Table 8.3 Phenotypic characters for several orchid genera. Specimenabcdefghijklmn Altensteinia00001001010021 Gomphichis10000000010011 Goodyera01001001011101 Microchilus01001001001101 Meliorchis01101001001101 Phenotypes denoted by letters

25 Trait:b Tree:10 01 1 3 Species # in black font Character variation in orange font 25 0 4 1 1 BME 8.3

26 Figure 8.17 Evolutionary tree of the orchid family, showing the five subfamilies of orchids and based on DNA sequences and a timeline estimated from a fossil orchid. The size of each shaded area is proportional to the number of genera in each subfamily. Arrow heads indicate estimated ages of small subfamilies.

27 Figure 8.18 Microhabitats of the forest canopy, pictured as a representative tree on left. The graph shows the frequency distribution of species (open bars) and numbers of individuals (black bars) in the microhabitats.

28 Figure 8.19 Frequency distributions of orchids (a) and non- orchid plants (b) living on trees above ground (maroon bars) and terrestrially, on the ground (gold bars). The x-axis shows the range of species in a genus, and the y-axis represents the number of genera having that range of species.

29 Figure 8.20 Mean number of pollinators per species for orchids belonging to each of five subfamilies. Subfamilies are denoted by same lettering as in Figure 8.18. Sample sizes for each subfamily were as follows: A = 2, B = 8, C = 4, D = 184, and E = 227. Error bars represent 1 standard error. The number of species in a subfamily is shown above each bar.

30 Figure 8.21 Evolutionary relationships among birds, bats, and insects. The evolutionary tree for all animals is much more complex.

31 Figure 8.22 Evolutionary tree of several vertebrates. The evolution of fur and mammary glands (F and M) separated mammals from other animals. By the time that happened, birds had already begun to evolve along their own lineage. Wings (W) evolved later in both groups.

32 Figure 8.23 The fossil bat Icaronycteris index. a. The bones are trapped in rock. b. Bat skeleton from a species that is living today. The bones of the elongated “fingers” are indicated by red arrows.

33 Figure 8.24 The elongated fifth digit (metacarpal bone) of bats compared to a combined index of body size for living (blue circles) and fossil (red crosses) bats. The digit length is logarithm-transformed.

34 Figure 8.25 The percentage of growing 3rd -5th forelimb digits composed of early resting (white), proliferating (green), middle (yellow), differentiating and elongating (blue), and bone (red) steps in mice (left) and bats (right) at numbered developmental stages. Stages are numbered so that animals in the same stage can be compared.

35 Figure 8.26 Plot of the percentage of cells in the elongation and differentiation zone of metacarpals (blue) and length of the bat 5th metacarpal (purple; measured in micrometers) as development proceeds.

36 Figure 8.27 DDT and mosquitoes. a. DDT. Each node is a carbon atom. The hexagons represent a ring of carbons with alternating single and double bonds. Hydrogen atoms are bonded to carbons without a chlorine (Cl). b. Incidence of malaria in Italy after a DDT spray campaign began. c. Anopheles gambiae female taking a blood meal.

37 Figure 8.28 Relationship between incidence of malaria (number of cases) and DDT use in India from 1969-1977.

38 Figure 8.29 Mortality of two populations of Anopheles gambiae when exposed to a series of DDT concentrations. Percent mortality is expressed as a probability unit and DDT concentration is on a log scale.

39 Figure 8.30 Results from extraction of GST from two populations of Anopheles gambiae, one from Gambia and one from Tanzania. a. Mass of each variant of GST. b. Ability of each variant to break down DDT. Activity for variants IVa, IVb, and IVc were not determined for the Gambia population due to low levels of the enzyme.

40 Figure 8.31 Mortality of A. gambiae over time when exposed to a 0.5% solution of permethrin (a) and a 4% solution of DDT (b). Perm. = permethrin. The lines are best fit lines for each treatment.

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