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LO-6: Demonstration Scenario Lecturer: Ricardo Gonçalves.

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Presentation on theme: "LO-6: Demonstration Scenario Lecturer: Ricardo Gonçalves."— Presentation transcript:

1 LO-6: Demonstration Scenario Lecturer: Ricardo Gonçalves

2 2 e-Procurement Actors: furniture manufacturer, raw-material supplier, retailer and customer Deals with the document flow of the buying/selling processes: Quotations, Orders, Invoices, Delivery notes –Furniture product list, descriptions and special specifications –additionally, inclusion of an interior Decoration Project Till now –Manual management of the documents –Hard-copy transfers Desired –Automated management of the documents –Electronic copies Possible errors produced in the daily activities –configuration errors, missing information, non-legible characters, …

3 3 Selling Process. Customer oriented sub- scenario Delivery R5. Delivery Note R6. Packing List R7. Invoice Customer communication R3. Order R1. Request for Quotation R2. Quotation R4. Order Confirmation Interior Decoration Project Looks for furniture Invoice Delivery MANUFACTURER RETAILER

4 4 Procurement Process. Supplier oriented sub-scenario M2. Quotation M6. Invoice M1. Request for Quotation M3. Order M4. Order Confirmation MANUFACTURER PROVIDER M5. Delivery Note Delivery

5 5 eProcurement Scenario M2. Quotation M6. Invoice M1. Request for Quotation M3. Order M4. Order Confirmation BUYER SELLER M5. Delivery Note Delivery Need of Interoperability

6 6 From workflows to CBP Notion of business processes received increasing recognition as the ‘glue’ between originally disjoint activities within an enterprise. Business process systems (including workflow management systems) demonstrated applicability within boundaries of enterprise. We envisage that this concept provides a significant opportunity also in the cross-organizational business context. State-of-art focus on workflow models to represent workflows within organisations and were extended to punctually expose communication points to other workflows. Approach breaks the integrative purpose of business processes due to the low-level in process orientation. Goal is to provide a solution that enables modelling and enactment (execution) of CBP (Cross-organisational Business Processes)

7 7 CBP Modelling and Enactment Model CBP addresses Interoperability at the business layer Create Order Release Order Process Order Prepare Goods- out Pick Up Process Order Pick Up Release Order Prepare Goods- out B2B Process Label Printing Bring to Loading Point … … … … Public Process Views Private Process Buyer Public Process Generate Manifest Seller

8 8 Framework to support Interoperability for CBP Seller View Process Buyer Process Enterprise Modelling Private Business Process CBP - Collaborative Business Process Execution Interface Buyer Seller CBP Model Process Engine WS Process Enactment Interface Design Formal methods will support integration of private business processes in a coalition whilst maintaining privacy of the participating enterprises Business process execution will trigger Web Services associated to the process, and will monitor their execution. Furthermore, it will provide real-time commands and data harmonisation between WS and has to be supported by infrastructure for message handling, dispatching in a P2P approach. Models are enriched through ontological information and executed by IT systems, e.g. workflow engines

9 9 CBP Model High-level Requirements 1.Different user groups and modellers are involved in modelling cross- organizational business processes. Their different perspectives and needs have to be reflected in the modelling method  Met by introducing “Process Modelling levels of abstraction” 2.Modelling method allows for selectively hiding internal process steps while offering a mechanism to expose CBP relevant information to partners.  Met by introduction of process views as an additional abstraction layer between the private process and CBP model.  Process views provide a process-oriented interface towards business partners.  Private processes only known to owning organisation and not exposed to others.  Process views are an abstraction of the private processes, containing information that needs to be published for purpose of a specific interaction. Several tasks of a private process can be combined to one view task.

10 10 Process Modelling levels of abstraction Business Description Business Description x x x x Business Level All processes EPC, IEM, Execution Level Executable processes BPEL process name="loanApprovalProcess"...> <variable name="request" messageType="loandef:creditInformationMess age"/> <variable name="riskAssessment" messageType="asns:riskAssessmentMessage "/>...... <receive name="receive1" partner="customer" portType="apns:loanApprovalPT" operation="approve" variable="request" createInstance="yes"> <source linkName="receive-to-assess" transitionCondition= "bpws:getVariableData('request', 'amount') <source linkName="receive-to-approval" transitionCondition= "bpws:getVariableData('request', 'amount')>=10000"/> Execution Engine Business Level Executable processes BPDM (UML, BPMN) Modelling Tool Business view on the cooperation and the cross- organisational process that describes the interaction of the partners. The CBPs modelled on this level are not executable. Detailed view on the CBP representing the complete control flow of the process. Non-executable tasks are replaced by tasks that can be executed in a system. Message exchange between single tasks is modelled, but control flow is specified in a platform independent manner. This supports reuse of process models, as these can be ported to different process engines bellow CBP is modelled in the modelling language of an actual business process engine. It’s extended with platform specific interaction information, e.g. actual message formats sent or received during CBP execution or the specification of particular data sources providing data during process execution.

11 11 DESING TIME RUN TIME PROCESSSERVICES Storyboard Picture Interoperability Tool ModelExternal ToolServices GRAI Tool MO²GO Private Processes Maestro Nehemiah Gabriel CBP Johnson WSDL Services Java Messages XSD Rules Schematron Conformance Test Plug-in Messages with Rules Express EXP2XSDEXP2SCH ATHOS A* ARGOS ARES Engine BPM SuiteWS SuiteConformance SuiteSemantic Suite Demonstration

12 12 Demo: Conformance Testing Retailer Manufacturer Tomas Smith Furniture Shop Blue Chair 20 Tomas Smith Furniture Shop Blue Chair 20 Conformance Test Conformance Testing Demonstration

13 13 THE END

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