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Puget Sound Tow CTD chain Test January 4, 2011  Participants: Scientist : Frank Henyey, Barry Ma Captain : Eric Boget Engineer : Tim McGinnis, Tim Wen,

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Presentation on theme: "Puget Sound Tow CTD chain Test January 4, 2011  Participants: Scientist : Frank Henyey, Barry Ma Captain : Eric Boget Engineer : Tim McGinnis, Tim Wen,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Puget Sound Tow CTD chain Test January 4, 2011  Participants: Scientist : Frank Henyey, Barry Ma Captain : Eric Boget Engineer : Tim McGinnis, Tim Wen, Nicolas Michel-Hart SBE expert: Joel Reiter, Robin Clifford

2 TOWSBE  Tow chain system with inductive SBE microCATS  Steel armored cable (long-line fishing proof).  Real time inductive queries  Internal recording  Adjustable sensor amount and depth  Attachable Fairing system LabView interface

3 Puget Sound Trial January 4, 2011 New clamp design Swing with flow Fairing reduce drag and strumming Electronic housing SBE37IM x8 Depressor 80m Fairings 150 m armored coax sea-cable UIMM UIMMx1 15meter interval

4 January 4, 2011 TOWSBE Puget Sound Trial  8 SBE 37 IM sensors (C, T, P) with 150m armored cable  SBE sampling interval 10s, query 1 period: dn20 /3min, query2: dn10/3min  Towing speed 1~ 4 kts  Upper and lower boundaries mark the instrument depth  Black dots indicate near real-time data query during the Puget Sound Trial. query 1 query 2

5 Detail Ocean Structure Reviewed January 4, 2011 TOWSBE Puget Sound Trial

6 TOWSBE Puget Sound trial results  New clamp designs ensured the micorCATs swing freely  Armored sea cable has good inductive character for data transmission and also prevent potential damage from long-line fishing.  Ship speed over 4 kts affect inductive transmission. More query errors occurred. Possible caused by the cable strumming due to the upper 70m without fairings during the Puget Sound trial.  SBE37 IM #1 and #2 (top two sensors ) have more query errors (cable strumming? loaner units? older IMM model? without pump?)  microCATs internal recordings data are good. High resolution downloaded after TOWSBE recovery  Little flow effect observed on the microCATs conductivity data (need to further verify).  LabView interface and Matlab near real-time processing are tested. Data: SBE raw and Queried Cable strumming video

7 IWISE Field Program TOWSBE Spec  800m armored sea cable  Fully faired  ~ 40 microCATs sensors  ~10 HOBO U10 loggers  3-4 kts towing speed  High resolution T,C,P data internal recording  Real time inductive query for assessing ocean condition

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