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Issue Management Group on Sustainable Management, Geneva, February 2010 The UN GHG Inventory Shoa Ehsani SUN Geneva, Palais de Nation, February 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Issue Management Group on Sustainable Management, Geneva, February 2010 The UN GHG Inventory Shoa Ehsani SUN Geneva, Palais de Nation, February 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Issue Management Group on Sustainable Management, Geneva, February 2010 The UN GHG Inventory Shoa Ehsani SUN Geneva, Palais de Nation, February 2010

2 Issue Management Group on Sustainable Management, Geneva, February 2010 Today’s presentation How things worked in the past (2008) What we are suggesting for the future “to be” system solution Interim enhancements for the 2010 gap year Time lines for our work

3 Issue Management Group on Sustainable Management, Geneva, February 2010 Today’s presentation How things worked in the past (2008) What we are suggesting for the future “to be” system solution Interim enhancements for the 2010 gap year Time lines for our work

4 Issue Management Group on Sustainable Management, Geneva, February 2010 Existing Process Flow:

5 Issue Management Group on Sustainable Management, Geneva, February 2010 Future “To Be” Web Based Process Flow

6 Issue Management Group on Sustainable Management, Geneva, February 2010 2008 Shortcomings and Difficulties IssueGap Organizational Alignment  Inconsistent resourcing and commitment to data collection; lack of full-time Focal Point and Senior Management support Program Documentation  Lack of consistent procedures for boundaries, collecting activity data and extrapolating data Data Collection Process and Tools  GHG and ICAO calculator usability issues; difficulties obtaining activity data Data validation  Ad hoc estimating, lack of clear accountability for data validity Training and Support  Limited training and lack of access to training sessions

7 Issue Management Group on Sustainable Management, Geneva, February 2010 Specific Issues with Calculator and Data Office GHG Calculator:  Large: can only open one at a time  Difficult to e-mail  Compatibility with older Excel programs  Bugs in the programming resulted in some crashes  Emission Factors not available for all activities ICAO Travel Calculator:  Excellent accuracy but needed very precise data format to work  Would reject data if exact routing was not available, needs scalability  No default class, difficult when entering 20,000 flights (this should be economy)  Didn’t have all airport codes, also some flights are from military bases  Need to wait for data-pack to update calculator’s flight information every year Data Gathering:  Not able to get all field offices to reply  Manual not translated into all UN languages  Mining data from central ERPs not always easy or possible (e.g. Agency flight records)  No light-and-easy reporting document

8 Issue Management Group on Sustainable Management, Geneva, February 2010 The Product: The 2008 UN GHG Inventory Report

9 Issue Management Group on Sustainable Management, Geneva, February 2010 Future “To Be” Software Solution Fully web-based system to include: Online data entry Data feeds from ERP systems Support manual data collection (flat file for Field Offices without internet access Workflows for managing data collection and approval Data validation/quality checks Data estimating and extrapolation support Emission factor management Dashboards and flexible reporting Help menus and multi language support Schedule TBD, dependent on funding and resources

10 Issue Management Group on Sustainable Management, Geneva, February 2010 Benefits to Agency Focal Points The new GHG office calculator will be on the web and will not crash! Ability to report and upload data as early as you like. “Many hands make light work” – every office/ node can report by themselves. Ability to verify data on a continuous basis and edit data.

11 Issue Management Group on Sustainable Management, Geneva, February 2010 Enhancements for 2010 Gap Year Enhancements are on the way to make reporting of 2009 data more efficient and accurate: Simplified data entry spreadsheet (flat file) for GHG and travel data  Same “look and feel”, small file size, no “bugs”  More user friendly User Manual updates  Address data collection, data extrapolating, etc. Enhanced “back end” tool  To be developed by DFS  Accept upload of data collection spreadsheets  Incorporate GHG emission factors and calculations  Improved reporting of GHG emissions Training/ Workshops  Need to on training topics?  Timing, when should this happen?

12 Timelines For SUN Work Complete Approved Planned JanAprFebMar Q3FY10Q4FY10 MayJunJul NovDec Q2FY10 Q1FY10 SepOctAug Q4FY09 NovDec Oct Interim Enhanced GHG Reporting Tool for 2010 Existing Process Review/Gap Analysis Recommend Enhancements Enhanced Spreadsheet (Flat File) Development Flat File Available Back End Tool Development, Test Back End Tool Available User Manual Updates Screening Project (To Be Solution) Business Requirements Definition Evaluate Internal vs. External Development Milestone System Development and Implementation 

13 Timelines For Agencies/SMFPs Complete To be done Inventory Work JanAprFebMar Q3FY10Q4FY10 MayJunJul NovDec Q2FY10 Q1FY10 SepOctAug Q4FY09 NovDec Oct GHG Reporting Schedule for 2010 Send out “Flat-file” to all outlying Offices Data Input Data Collection and Verification 2010 Tool Development Milestone/Event Review Existing Process Review/Gap Analysis Flat File Available User Manual Updates Enhanced Spreadsheet (Flat File) Development Existing Process Review/Gap Analysis Back End Development, Test Report & Print Back End Tool Available GHG Report Ready Tool Preparation:

14 Issue Management Group on Sustainable Management, Geneva, February 2010 Thank You

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