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Oregon Department of Education Office of Assessment and Accountability Jim Leigh and Rachel Aazzerah Mathematics and Science Assessment Specialists Office.

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Presentation on theme: "Oregon Department of Education Office of Assessment and Accountability Jim Leigh and Rachel Aazzerah Mathematics and Science Assessment Specialists Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oregon Department of Education Office of Assessment and Accountability Jim Leigh and Rachel Aazzerah Mathematics and Science Assessment Specialists Office of Assessment and Information Services Oregon Department of Education Mark Freed Mathematics Education Specialist Office of Educational Innovation and Improvement Oregon Department of Education

2  1. Awareness & Understanding Understanding CCSS Content and Organization 2.Transition Comparing CCSS to Oregon Standards, district curricula, and instructional materials  3. Action Implementing CCSS in the classroom  Math resource page  CCSS Oregon Home Page and Toolkit  Oregon Department of Education

3 Talk to a neighbor about where you and your school are in the transition (1 minute each) Share something interesting (3 minutes) 0-5 Hold up hands: Where are you personally?

4 Charged with assessing the Common Core State Standards, in math Smarter Balanced will assess:  The content standards and  The Mathematical Practice Standards Items will be written to assess four claims:  Concepts and Procedures,  Problem Solving,  Communicating Reasoning, and  Modeling and Data Analysis. Oregon Department of Education

5 Mathematics Content will shift among the grades due to the change of standards, and new content will be introduced. Tools to help make sense of this transition:  Common Core State Standards and Oregon Crosswalk document from ODE website Provides important detail for further study of the CCSS content at each grade  Transition from OAKS to Smarter Balanced Assessment document to illustrate movement of current curricular topics and introduction of new content Indicates where materials could be going to, or coming from, to help with collaboration Indicates where new content or pedagogy will surface to help plan further professional development  Smarter Balanced documents, as they become available Content Specifications Item Specifications Test Specifications  When final documents are available: Chart to explain the overview of new Smarter Assessment for mathematics Samples of items with targets which could be used to assess each of the four mathematics claims Oregon Department of Education Office of Assessment and Accountability

6  OAKS  Reading based on 2002 ELA Content Standards  Writing based on current scoring guide  Mathematics based on 2007/2009 Math Content Standards  Smarter Balanced Assessment  Based on Common Core State Standards adopted by Oregon in 2010 2011-20122012-20132013-20142014-2015 OAKS Smarter Oregon Department of Education Office of Assessment and Accountability

7 In 2010, ODE provided crosswalks between Oregon’s content standards and the new Common Core State Standards.  English Language Arts:  Mathematics:   Based on detailed information from the mathematics crosswalk, ODE has developed documents mapping the “movement” of mathematics content. ( nsition-from-oaks-to-smarter.pdf nsition-from-oaks-to-smarter.pdf  The following is an example for grade 5: Oregon Department of Education Office of Assessment and Accountability

8 OREGON STANDARD Shaded Cells Show Grades in Which Oregon Content Will Be Found in the CCSS with Excellent or Partial Alignment K1234 5678HS OR.5.2.5 Develop fluency with efficient procedures for dividing whole numbers and justify why the procedures work on the basis of place value and number properties. OR.5.2.6 Determine the most appropriate form of the quotient and interpret the remainder in a problem situation. OR.5.3.1 Identify and classify triangles by their angles (acute, right, obtuse) and sides (scalene, isosceles, equilateral). OR.5.3.2 Find and justify relationships among the formulas for the areas of triangles and parallelograms. OR.5.3.3 Describe three-dimensional shapes (triangular and- rectangular prisms, cube, triangular- and square-based pyramids, cylinder, cone, and sphere) by the number of edges, faces, and/or vertices as well as types of faces. OR.5.3.4 Recognize volume as an attribute of three-dimensional space. All content from 5.3.2 moves to grade 6. All content from 5.3.4 remains in grade 5. Content from 5.2.5 will be assessed in grades 4, 5, 6. All content from 5.2.6 moves to grade 4. Interpreting the Charts Oregon Department of Education Office of Assessment and Accountability

9 Oregon Department of Education I. When content is assessed in the same grade: study the CCSS to ensure students engage with all content and rigor by 2013-14. II. When content is to be assessed in later grades: consider teaching the content from the Oregon standard at the current grade and teaching the additional content and rigor from CCSS standards in the higher grade in the same year, in 2013-14, or sooner; then teach only CCSS standards in 2014-15. III. When content is to be assessed in earlier grades: consider teaching CCSS and OR content at both grades in 2012-13, or at least by 2013-14, then only teach CCSS in the earlier grade thereafter. IV. When CCSS content is new to OR, begin integrating into classroom curriculum in 2012-13, reaching full implementation by 2014-15.

10  Oregon content standard 5.3.2 will be addressed by Smarter Balanced Assessments in grade 6.  Oregon content standard 5.3.2: Find and justify relationships among the formulas for the areas of triangles and parallelograms. Oregon Department of Education Office of Assessment and Accountability

11  Oregon standard 5.2.6 content will be addressed by Smarter Balanced assessment in 4 th grade in 2014-2015.  Oregon 2007 Content Standard 5.2.6: Determine the most appropriate form of the quotient and interpret the remainder in a problem situation.

12 Oregon Department of Education Office of Assessment and Accountability

13 The Introduction and Part 1 Oregon Department of Education Office of Assessment and Accountability

14  Did you see any patterns in the movement of the content?  Did you see anything you didn’t expect?  How might your school/department use this information to help with planning for 2014-2015?  What additional information will you need to plan your transition to the Smarter Balanced Assessment? Oregon Department of Education Office of Assessment and Accountability


16 Part 2 Oregon Department of Education Office of Assessment and Accountability

17  Did you see any patterns in the movement of the content?  Did you see anything you didn’t expect?  How might your school/department use this information to help with planning for 2014-2015?  What additional information will you need to plan your transition to the Smarter Balanced Assessment? Oregon Department of Education Office of Assessment and Accountability

18 Note: Some content may currently be taught, but not assessed; some may be completely new.

19 Part 3 Oregon Department of Education Office of Assessment and Accountability

20  Did you see any patterns in the movement of the content?  Did you see anything you didn’t expect?  How might your school/department use this information to help with planning for 2014-2015?  What additional information will you need to plan your transition to the Smarter Balanced Assessment? Oregon Department of Education Office of Assessment and Accountability

21 Using details from the Oregon Crosswalk to compare standards: Where content is in same grade: use 5.2.1 1. Compare cognitive complexity and actual content with the CCSS in grade 5 (5.NBT.6) 2. Look at Target (Cluster) that contains 5.NBT.6 in Crosswalk CCSS to OR – this will shape Smarter Assessment Where content is coming from another grade: From earlier grade: use 4.1.4 1. Compare cognitive complexity and actual content with the CCSS in grade 5 (5.NBT.3b) 2. Look at Target (Cluster) that contains 5.NBT.3b in Crosswalk CCSS to OR – this will shape Smarter Assessment From later grade: use 6.1.7 1. Compare cognitive complexity and actual content with the CCSS in grade 5 (5.MD.1) 2. Look at Target (Cluster) that contains 5.MD.1 in Crosswalk CCSS to OR – this will shape Smarter Assessment Oregon Department of Education

22  Unit lesson plans  Unit projects  Work Sample Tasks (or Local Performance Assessments) Oregon Department of Education

23  Please send additional input, questions, or anecdotes to:  Rachel Aazzerah   Mark Freed   Jim Leigh  Oregon Department of Education Office of Assessment and Accountability

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