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Mechanical Engineering By: Paige Buck. What is it? Mechanical engineering is a discipline engineering that applies the principles of physics and materials.

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Presentation on theme: "Mechanical Engineering By: Paige Buck. What is it? Mechanical engineering is a discipline engineering that applies the principles of physics and materials."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mechanical Engineering By: Paige Buck

2 What is it? Mechanical engineering is a discipline engineering that applies the principles of physics and materials science for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. It is the branch of engineering that involves the production and usage of heat and mechanical power for the design, production, and operation of machines and tools. It is one of the oldest and broadest engineering disciplines.

3 Areas of specialization power generation, where they deal with steam, diesel, or other internal combustion engines, and with hydraulic or gas turbines the field of heating, ventilation and refrigeration; in the design, analysis, production of machines and equipment, for example, safety equipment, material handling equipment, automobiles, locomotives, marine vessels, furnaces, boilers, pressure vessels, heat exchangers, motors, generators, and machine tools.

4 Types of jobs Mechanical engineering is the art and science of designing new machinery. Anything that requires power to use, such as an air conditioner or a car engine, was likely designed by a mechanical engineer. Jobs for mechanical engineers range from researching new tools to designing and manufacturing products and testing new devices. These jobs can be found in the privateer public sector, sometimes for governments, other times for businesses and organizations.

5 $ Salary $ $66500 - $102764

6 Duties and Responsibilities Research Develop Design Manufacture Test tools Test engines Test Machines And also test other mechanical devices They work on power-producing machines such as electric generators, internal combustion engines, and steam and gas turbines. They also develop power-using machines such as refrigeration and air- conditioning equipment, machine tools, material handling systems, elevators and escalators, industrial production equipment, and robots used in manufacturing. Mechanical engineers also design tools that other engineers need for their work.

7 Courses needed in high school to attend university The entering freshman’s preparation should include two years of algebra, geometry, trigonometry and one year of physics or chemistry. Students deficient in mathematics or chemistry must take special preparatory courses, i.e., Mathematics 125 and Chemistry 115, which will not carry credit for the major.

8 College preparation The most important college preparation for engineering is developing a strong math background. Math in engineering starts with Calculus. Students in high school need a strong background in math and should have a good mastery of pre-calculus topics before starting engineering. Students without a pre-calculus course are not out of luck, they can certainly start with pre-calculus in college but it slows them down in their goal of getting an engineering degree. Similar arguments can be made regarding communications. A strong background in English and composition (writing) is a great starting pointfor students entering our Engineering Degree Program

9 Some college courses Experiments to supplement Mechanics of Materials I Engineering Thermodynamics I. Differential Equations for Engineers Material Science Mechanics of Materials I Introduction to Mechanical Design Experiential Learning

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