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Published byByron McBride Modified over 9 years ago
January 13, 2012 Learn. Perform. Succeed. ’05 ’06 ’07 #1 ’02 ’06 ’04 ’06 ’07 ’09 ’03 ’04 “Never lose sight of who the ultimate customer is” – GEN (Ret) David Petraeus Life Cycle Logistics Learning Asset Governance: Functional Leader & Functional IPT Roles & Responsibilities Bill Kobren Director, Center for Logistics & Sustainment (703) 805-4949
2 Overview Learning Assets –Curriculum Requirements & Design Process –Key Learning Asset & Workforce Indicators Career Field & Learning Asset Governance –Career Field Functional Leader (FL) –Career Field Functional Integrated Process Team (FIPT) –FIPT Governance –FIPT Organization –FIPT CONOPS –FIPT Products & Focus Areas –Overarching Guidance
3 Foundational Underpinnings of Life Cycle Logistics Learning Assets Competency-based: Direct linkage between required technical competencies and learning assets Alignment: learning assets directly aligned with DoD career field workforce professional development requirements (Functional Leader/Functional IPT-driven with Workforce Management Group (WMG) insight and Senior Steering Board (SSB) oversight) Integration: Interdisciplinary/cross-functional integration across the acquisition community, collaborative training of shared competencies, availability to industry partners and members of the broader DoD sustainment workforce Learning at the Point of Need: Leveraging strength of multi- dimensional AT&L Performance Learning Model (PLM) Efficiency & Effectiveness : learning assets collaboratively developed with and/or hosted for key stakeholders, with constant monitoring of key metrics for continuous quality and delivery improvement Timeliness: Direct linkage to and interaction with key OSD & Component stakeholders to reduce time required to field updated/new learning assets
4 FIPT * Functional Leader Change in requirements DAU’s curriculum is owned by our stakeholders Establishes & validates competencies & training requirements * DAU representation on Functional Integrated Process Teams (FIPTs) Centralized Design/Revision Development support DAU Center Director DAU Curriculum Requirements And Design Process PLD** ** Performance Learning Director (PLD) PLD Review/Validation
Logistics and Sustainment Center Life Cycle Management PLD Tom Simcik Reliability, Avail & Maint PLD Patrick Dallosta Performance Based Logistics PLD David Floyd C ourse Managers (Matrixed from DAU Regions) Logistics KPO Mary Ryan Logistics ISD James McDaniel Sustainment PLD Doug Killey Acquisition Logistics PLD Terry Johnson Logistics KPO Jill Garcia Center Director Bill Kobren Director, Learning Capabilities Integration Center Director, Global Learning & Technologies Center Logistics and Sustainment Center Acquisition & Pgm Mgmt Center Business Center Engineering & Tech Center Contracting Center As of 11 Jan 12
Life Cycle Logistics Department Chairs Capital and Northeast Jim Curry Mid-Atlantic Dean Newman Mid-West Jeff Tkach South Jack Cain West Ron Burroughs As of 11 Jan 12
Capital and Northeast LOG 200 & 201: John Sullivan LOG 211 (FY13): Jim Curry LOG 235: Kevin Wedmark LOG 365 (FY13): Steve Brown Mid-Atlantic LOG 102: Bill Conroy South LOG 204: Bryan Hammond LOG 206: Al Barnes LOG 340: Jack Cain West LOG 103: Andre Murphy LOG 350: Ron Burroughs Life Cycle Logistics Course Managers As of 11 Jan 12 Mid West LOG 101: Mike Bayer
DAU Course Development PDR CDR Develop & Refine Materials SRR Lesson Outline (ELOs, Exercise Description, Assessment Plan) Course Objectives & Assessment Strategy LCIC PLD & CM LCIC PLD & CD CM & LCIC PLD Lesson Storyboard (Timeline, Exercise Instructions, Assessment, Case/Scenario, Examples, Lessons Learned, Best Practices, Tools, Homework, Video, References …) Requirements Validation (Workforce Competency ID & Gap Analysis, Learning Asset Selection, Dev. Strategy, PWS, Contract Award) FIPT & LCIC
DAU Course Development PDR CDR OTE IOTE DTE Develop & Refine Materials SRR Lesson Outline Course Objectives & Assessment Strategy Student Pilot(s) Lesson Review(s) Instructor Pilot(s) PLD, CM, CMRRs, LAM Lesson Owner and SMEs CM, CMRRs, Line Instructors Representative Students Lesson Storyboard Requirements Validation Operations & Support (Deployment, Oversight, Currency Reviews & Updates, Maintenance & Revisions) FIPT, PLD & Course Mgr
Iterative Life Cycle Management for DAU Courses FIPT, PLD, CM, CMRR Engaged Throughout the Process! PDR CDR OTE IOTE DTE Develop & Refine Materials SRR Lesson Outline Course Objectives & Assessment Strategy Student Pilot(s) Lesson Review(s) Instructor Pilot(s) Lesson Storyboard Requirements (Re-)Validation Operations & Support Courseware Life Cycle Management leverages broad mix of acquisition, logistics, program & configuration mgt, systems engineering, business, and contracting processes & skills
11 Career Field Functional Leader (FL) Appointed by USD (AT&L) Serves as senior DoD subject-matter expert for AT&L functional area Provides oversight and management of career development requirements Performs duties outlined in DoDD 5000.52, DoDI 5000.55, DoDI 5000.66, Functional Area Charters for Acquisition Career Development Program and AT&L Workforce Desk Guide Establishes and maintains AT&L position category descriptions and education, training, and experience requirements for functional area Establishes AT&L Career Field competency standards, DAWIA certification standards, and training curriculum requirements Appoints Executive Secretary of Functional IPT (FIPT) Provides strategic direction and guidance to Life Cycle Logistics FIPT Certifies and approves decisions related to DoD Life Cycle Logistics Human Capital Strategy, Position Category Descriptions, Career Field Certification Standards, Core Plus Framework, and DAU Curriculum Life Cycle Logistics Functional Leader is Ms. Sue Dryden, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (DASD) for Materiel Readiness
DAU Functional Center Directors OSD Functional Leaders Mr. Alfred Volkman AT&L IC Mr. James Dalton FE Mr. Stephen Welby SPRDE/SE/PQM Dr. John Fischer STM Dr. Nancy Spruill BUS Mr. Bill Kobren LOG Revised 10 Jan 12 Ms. Sharon Jackson BUS Mr. Edward Greer T&E Mr. Dave Ahern ACQ & PM Mr. Bill Parker ACQ-PM Mr. Lenny Manning CON Ms. Joyce France IT/SAM Mr. Gary Bliss EVM Ms. Sue Dryden LOG Dr. John Snoderly E&T (Acting) Mr. Richard Ginman CON
Reggie Parks Bill Motley John McElhenny Larry Leggett Sharon DAnjou Larry Baker Marty Falk Ray Ward John Snoderly James Malloy Leslie Deneault Tom Simcik Dwayne Tripp Richard Fowler Pat Dallosta Bryan Johns David Floyd Lyle Eesley Performance Learning Directors Renee Butler Doug Killey Stephen Skotte Kevin Linden Terry Johnson Revised 10 Jan 12 Dale Lippman Richard Chan Paul Alfieri Anita Cukr Jim Shellington Erin Mulligan Gerald Emke Larry Floyd Nathan Washington Thomas White Harold McAlduff Mr. Bill Kobren LOG Ms. Sharon Jackson BUS Mr. Bill Parker ACQ-PM Mr. Lenny Manning CON Functional Center Directors Mr. Alfred Volkman AT&L IC Mr. James Dalton FE Mr. Stephen Welby SPRDE/SE/PQM Dr. John Fischer STM Dr. Nancy Spruill BUS Mr. Edward Greer T&E Mr. Dave Ahern ACQ & PM Ms. Joyce France IT/SAM Mr. Gary Bliss EVM Ms. Sue Dryden LOG Dr. John Snoderly E&T (Acting) Mr. Richard Ginman CON Functional Leaders
14 Functional Leader Annual Certification Acquisition related competencies maintained by DAU are current & reflect knowledge/skills required to be successful as an AT&L workforce member DAU course content & objectives implemented in subject FY are current, technically accurate, & consistent with DoD policy (or measures being taken to rectify) Certification standards for the subject FY are reasonable, appropriate and applicable to all DoD AT&L workforce personnel The Life Cycle Logistics Position Category Description (PCD), posted on the DAU website are current 14 Functional Leaders “establish, oversee and maintain the education, training, and experience requirements including competencies and certification standards; position category description(s); and content of the DAU courses as current, technically accurate, and consistent with DoD acquisition policies.” -- DoDI 5000.66, para 5.5.3.
15 Life Cycle Logistics FIPT Supports Functional Leader (FL) in carrying out responsibilities Provides stakeholder input into Life Cycle Logistics workforce learning asset and training requirements, Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) certification standards, and professional development Membership includes DoD Component and DAU representatives Provides Life Cycle Logistics Functional Leader (FL) with information, perspectives, and recommendations to guide decisions related to DoD Life Cycle Logistics workforce Serves as forum for cross-cutting life cycle logistics initiatives, lessons learned, and issues of mutual interest Provides means for information and best practice sharing across the DoD Life Cycle Logistics community Provides recommendations for cross-functional/inter-disciplinary collaboration and integration
16 LOG FIPT Governance Current Life Cycle Logistics FIPT Charter dated October 4, 2010 provides framework Copy available for download at Charter Addresses LOG FIPT: –Purpose –Background –Goals –Membership –Products, Deliverables, & Focus Areas –CONOPs –Roles & Responsibilities –References –Review Cycle
17 LOG FIPT Membership Life Cycle Logistics Functional Leader (FL) Director, DAU Logistics & Sustainment Center (also serves as FIPT Executive Secretary) Component and 4th Estate Life Cycle Logistics Functional representatives Component and 4th Estate Directors for Acquisition Career Management (DACM) representatives DAU Life Cycle Logistics Performance Learning Directors, Knowledge Management Officer, and Instructional Systems Designer Other Participants such as DHS, USTRANSCOM, Joint Staff J4, National Guard Bureau, & Systems Engineering
18 Functional Leader (OSD DASD/MR) NAVY ARMY AIR FORCE FIPT Executive Secretary (DAU Logistics Center Director) DACM (TRADOC) ASA(ALT) DACM (SAF AQH/AQX) HQ USAF A4L/M USMC HQ USMC I&L DLA DACM (AWCM) Sustainment PLD (DAU) PBL PLD (DAU) ISD (DAU) HQDA G4 4th ESTATE/ OTHER DCMA DISA HQ AFMC A4P MARCORSYSCOM USTRANSCOM Joint Staff J4 NGB USSOCOM Key Functional Participants Leadership Team DAU Participants DACM Representatives Component Functional Leads DDR&E Systems Engineering Dept Homeland Security Liaison Acq Log PLD (DAU) Life Cycle Mgt PLD (DAU) RAM PLD (DAU) Knowledge Mgt (DAU) Life Cycle Logistics Functional IPT Meets quarterly – advises Life Cycle Logistics Functional Leader on career field competencies, DAWIA certification & workforce training requirements Dir, Academic Programs (DAU) DACM (ASN RDA) DASN (Acq & Log) DACM (ASN RDA) DASN (Acq & Log) OPNAV N4 NAVAIR NAVSUP NAVSEA SPAWAR ODASD MR/SCI SAF IEL
19 LOG FIPT CONOPS Meetings held quarterly (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct) at DAU Ft Belvoir Each DAU Life Cycle Logistics course reviewed annually DAU maintains a web-based repository dating back to 2003 ( for meeting minutes, presentations, and other documentation Meeting discussions treated under “non-attribution” guidelines Whenever possible, decisions reached by consensus Participants staff actions and issues within their Components or organizations on FIPT decisions As required, the Functional Leader can establish subgroups and/or assign representatives to work on specific projects issues to be addressed by Logistics FIPT Life Cycle Logistics FIPT administration provided by DAU Other functional career field attendance encouraged Chaired
20 LOG FIPT Meeting Seating Chart
21 LOG FIPT Products & Focus Areas Career Field DoD Human Capital Strategy (HCS) development & refinement support Career Field competency management inputs and refinement as required Career Field Position Category Descriptions (review and modification) Career Field Certification Standards (review and modification) Maturing Core Plus Framework (review and modification) DAU Curriculum Content (review and certification) DAU Continuous Learning Module Requirements (review and prioritization) Career Field Professional Development (review and recommendations) DAU and Service knowledge sharing tools, resources, learning assets Subject Matter Expertise for Curricula Development support for courseware and Continuous Learning Module development Others as determined by Functional Leader or FIPT membership consistent with objectives of life cycle logistics community
22 LOG FIPT Strategic Focus
23 Guidance Documents & Related References DoDD 5000.52, "Defense Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics Workforce Education, Training, and Career Development Program", 12 Jan 05 DoDI 5000.55, “Reporting Management Information on DoD Military and Civilian Acquisition Personnel and Positions”, 1 Nov 91 DoDI 5000.66, "Operation of the Defense Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics Workforce Education, Training, and Career Development Program," 21 Dec 05 “Functional Area Charters for Acquisition Career Development Program”, 26 Feb 01 AT&L Workforce Desk Guide 06%20ATL%20Workforce%20Desk%20Guide%20Issued%20Version%20with%20For ms.pdf DAU Logistics Community of Practice Life Cycle Logistics FIPT site (meeting minutes) DoD AT&L Career Management Home Page Defense Acquisition University (DAU) iCatalog
24 DoD AT&L Workforce Count by Functional Career Field (End of FY11)
25 Life Cycle Logistics Workforce (FY04-11) Air ForceArmyNavy4 th EstateTotal FY041,9434,9364,1567611,121 FY052,0796,1284,2068012,493 FY061,7816,3194,1547612,330 FY071,7006,5454,21914012,604 FY081,7277,1344,35514513,361 FY091,9897,9524,78412714,852 FY102,4279,0455,21917016,861 FY112,7628,9625,41523017,572 17 Nov 11
26 Annual DAU Life Cycle Logistics Graduates FY01 – FY11 Almost Six-Fold Student Increase without Sacrificing Classroom Training Opportunities! FY01FY02FY03FY04FY05FY06FY07FY08FY09FY10FY11 Web3,0283,9774,2837,24214,22314,32913,73116,70820,56424,44122,960 Classroom1,6941,2381,9081,8783,1523,2983,1443,4194,6754,6355,477 Annual Total4,7225,2156,1919,12017,37517,62716,87520,12725,23929,07628,437 *Data as of 1/11/12
27 Annual Industry LOG Course Graduates CourseFY01FY02FY03FY04FY05FY06FY07FY08FY09FY10FY11Total LOG 1011332983264886588629311,2781,4401,5208668,800 LOG 10200014454845426989259285454,568 LOG 103000000000367601968 LOG 2000000000180311304124919 LOG 201600000043673032178 LOG 201A01215439815318544000550 LOG 201B012 72628616000152 LOG 2031631566848911851371841290945 LOG 20415856612092783483451961,462 LOG 2051310110000000034 LOG 20600000000099124223 LOG 2100000004126013 LOG 2350000000200280287117884 LOG 235A00013121229928447000973 LOG 235B000363537731000182 LOG 236000000041556034190 LOG 3040283129163900089 LOG 340000000000088 LOG 3500000000021161754 Total1693704367821,5402,0242,4902,9933,6334,0912,66421,192 *Data as of 1/11/12
28 FY08FY09FY10FY11 CategoryAll DAU LOG Courses All DAU LOG Courses All DAU LOG Courses All DAULOG Courses Instructor n =2,991 n =4,334 n =4,259 n =5,004 Environment n =2,944 n =4,278 n =4,920 n =4,937 Courseware n =14,243 n =20,126 n =16,887 n =14,238 Online Delivery n =11,265 n =15,801 n =11,795 n =9,220 Learning Eff n =14,196 n =20,032 n =16,812 n =14,147 Job Impact n =14,247 n =20,144 n =16,897 n =14,212 6.76 6.26 5.99 5.98 5.77 5.92 5.84 6.70 6.18 5.95 5.97 5.76 5.94 6.64 6.17 5.95 5.94 5.78 5.80 6.27 6.00 5.98 5.77 5.90 6.66 6.14 5.97 5.96 5.79 6.75 Life Cycle Logistics Learning Asset Delivery Quality Indicators 6.60 6.12 5.90 5.95 5.83 6.71 6.33 6.05 5.81 6.05 5.84 6.80 6.48 6.10 5.93 6.06 5.83
29 Clearly Defined Life Cycle Workforce, Career Field Certification Requirements & Governance Structure AT&L Life Cycle Logistics Workforce Training and Certification Requirements Established & Understood Active Functional Proponent in Life Cycle Logistics Functional Leader (FL) Proactive & Engaged Life Cycle Logistics Functional IPT (FIPT) Result: High Quality, Well-Leveraged Learning Assets Designed to Enhance Workforce Mission Accomplishment Summary
30 Level II Certification Level III Certification P LOG 350 Enterprise Life Cycle Logistics Management LOG 350 Enterprise Life Cycle Logistics Management 9.5 days classroom Level II “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) Level II “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) P = Prerequisite Level I “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) Level I “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) P 26 hrs, on-line 27 hrs, on-line 2 CL Modules: PBL & Designing for Support 2 CL Modules: PBL & Designing for Support LOG 102 Systems Sustainment Management LOG 102 Systems Sustainment Management 3 hrs ea, on-line LOG 101 Acquisition Logistics Fundamentals LOG 101 Acquisition Logistics Fundamentals 25 hrs, on-line Level I Certification P 25 hrs, on-line LOG 340 Life Cycle Product Support LOG 340 Life Cycle Product Support 4.5 days classroom LOG 103 Reliability, Availability & Maintainability LOG 103 Reliability, Availability & Maintainability P P 3 CL Modules: LCSP, BCA & Log Assessment 3 hrs ea, on-line 35 hrs, on-line P SYS 101 SPRDE Fundamentals SYS 101 SPRDE Fundamentals ACQ 101 Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management ACQ 101 Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management LOG 200 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics LOG 200 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics 32 hours on-line 4.5 days classroom P P 4+8 hrs ea, on-line NOTE: There are NO prerequisites for LOG 235 LOG 235 Performance Based Logistics LOG 235 Performance Based Logistics 54 hours, online 37 hours, on-line ACQ 201A IntermediateSystemsAcquisition IntermediateSystemsAcquisition ACQ 201B IntermediateSystemsAcquisition IntermediateSystemsAcquisition 4.5 days classroom P 2 CL Modules: Life Cycle Mgt/ Sustainment Metrics & Supportability Analysis 21 hours, on-line LOG-206 Intermediate Systems Sustainment LOG-206 FY12 Life Cycle Logistics Certification Training LOG 201 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics LOG 201 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics P P Knowledge based GS 5-9 & E7-O3 Experience: 1 yr 144 total hours Application/case based GS 9-12 & E7-O4 Experience: 2 yrs 228 total hours Case/scenario based GS 13-14 & E7-O5 Experience: 4 yrs 139-153 total hours 18-32 hrs, on-line/clsrm Choice of one of: RQM 110, ACQ 265, BCF 215, LOG 204 Level III “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) (Plus new LOG 365 Product Support Mgr (PSM) Course in FY13) Level III “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) (Plus new LOG 365 Product Support Mgr (PSM) Course in FY13)
31 Level II Certification Level III Certification P LOG 350 Enterprise Life Cycle Logistics Management LOG 350 Enterprise Life Cycle Logistics Management 9.5 days classroom Level II “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) Level II “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) P = Prerequisite Level I “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) Level I “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) P 26 hrs, on-line 27 hrs, on-line 2 CL Modules: PBL & Designing for Support 2 CL Modules: PBL & Designing for Support LOG 102 Systems Sustainment Management LOG 102 Systems Sustainment Management 3 hrs ea, on-line LOG 101 Acquisition Logistics Fundamentals LOG 101 Acquisition Logistics Fundamentals 25 hrs, on-line Level I Certification P 25 hrs, on-line LOG 340 Life Cycle Product Support LOG 340 Life Cycle Product Support 4.5 days classroom LOG 103 Reliability, Availability & Maintainability LOG 103 Reliability, Availability & Maintainability P P 3 CL Modules: LCSP, BCA & Log Assessment 3 hrs ea, on-line 35 hrs, on-line P SYS 101 SPRDE Fundamentals SYS 101 SPRDE Fundamentals ACQ 101 Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management ACQ 101 Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management LOG 200 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics LOG 200 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics 32 hours on-line 4.5 days classroom P P 4+8 hrs ea, on-line NOTE: There are NO prerequisites for LOG 235 LOG 235 Performance Based Logistics LOG 235 Performance Based Logistics 54 hours, online 37 hours, on-line ACQ 201A IntermediateSystemsAcquisition IntermediateSystemsAcquisition ACQ 201B IntermediateSystemsAcquisition IntermediateSystemsAcquisition 4.5 days classroom P 2 CL Modules: Life Cycle Mgt/ Sustainment Metrics & Supportability Analysis 21 hours, on-line LOG-206 Intermediate Systems Sustainment LOG-206 FY13 Life Cycle Logistics Certification Training LOG 201 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics LOG 201 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics P P Knowledge based GS 5-9 & E7-O3 Experience: 1 yr 144 total hours Application/case based GS 9-12 & E7-O4 Experience: 2 yrs 228 total hours Case/scenario based GS 13-14 & E7-O5 Experience: 4 yrs 139-153 total hours 18-32 hrs, on-line/clsrm Choice of one of: RQM 110, ACQ 265, BCF 215, LOG 204 Level III “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) (Plus new LOG 365 Product Support Mgr (PSM) Course in FY13) Level III “Core Plus” Courses & CL Modules (See DAU iCatalog for details) (Plus new LOG 365 Product Support Mgr (PSM) Course in FY13)
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