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1. 2 3 ~ Very Traditional sex roles and stereotypes within the Mexican society. ( Cezar Romero and Nava Gibbons) ~ Male to Male relationships are: -

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3 3 ~ Very Traditional sex roles and stereotypes within the Mexican society. ( Cezar Romero and Nava Gibbons) ~ Male to Male relationships are: - extreme aggressive - suborned ~ Male to Women relationships are : - sexual aggression - dishonor ~ Women are viewed as self-sacrificing and they are dependent. ~ Women also take care of household chores and families. ~ Men earns income/money to support the family Mexican Flag

4 4 D, Paul. "Mexican Life". October 31, 2008. ~ Free to choose their own marriage partner. ~ but there’s a rule that applies to getting marry, YOU must choose someone who is the same social class as you and same ethnicity. ~ Monogamy is the only marriage form allowed in both men and women What is monogamy? ~ Divorce rate – 6.5 %

5 5 ~ At age four Children's are required to attend kindergarten for 2 years. ~ Children's in Mexico are rapidly combing into activities of adults, they are encouraged to not discover the surroundings by themselves. ~ After kindergarten, required to go to primary school for 6 years. (middle school/junior high) ~ 32% of the population over age 15 had not finish primary school. ~ Private and Pubic school (must wear uniforms for both kind of school) ~ Special ritual for girl- Quinceañera girl becoming a young women. ~ No special ritual for a boy becoming a young man

6 6 ~ men and women have different roles in the family ~ men to men relationships are more aggressive and stubborn ~ men to women are more sexual aggression ~ Free to choose there own marriage partner ~ Can only married in the monogamy form ~ Children’s are required at age 4 to attend school

7 (For more information on Mexican marital communication and other group members page please visit at 7

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