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Study on Preliminary Plan THE RECOVERY PLAN OF SIWA City of Siwa - Municipality of MOTRUH Puglia Region - Head of the Mediterranean Regional Directorate.

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Presentation on theme: "Study on Preliminary Plan THE RECOVERY PLAN OF SIWA City of Siwa - Municipality of MOTRUH Puglia Region - Head of the Mediterranean Regional Directorate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study on Preliminary Plan THE RECOVERY PLAN OF SIWA City of Siwa - Municipality of MOTRUH Puglia Region - Head of the Mediterranean Regional Directorate for Cultural and Landscape Heritage of Molise UNIMED _ Union of Mediterranean Universities ICAR Department – Faculty of Architecture – Polytechnic in Bari INNOVAPUGLIA Progetto DIARCHEO: Sub- progetto SIWA Castello Svevo di Bari 16 novembre 2009

2 SIWA PROJECT GENERAL OBJECTIVES Development of the intercultural dialogue through interaction between government and research bodies. Development of scientific and cultural collaboration through on site operations and the organization of university and international research workshops which bring together students, researchers and technicians from both countries. Enhancement of the architectural and cultural heritage through the promotion of laboratory and scientific publications which draw attention to archaeological and architectural resources of these places in a worldwide context.

3 SIWA PROJECT SPECIFIC GOALS Reinterpretation of the development processes of the Siwa oasis. Survey of the principal housing types as a contribution to the reinterpretation of the urban system from the historical and architectural viewpoint. Integration of the material produced with the GIS archives already in possession of the Egyptian government for some governatorates Preparation of a virtual tool for the interpretation of urban processes and for the investigation of the most important monuments and dwellings.

4 SIWA PROJECT Preliminary activities 1) Inspections and qualitative analysis of different urban contexts of the city of Siwa 2) The identification of “sensitive areas” (urban areas where point out the strengths and/or weakness) 3) The identification of “sample areas” (Urban areas where are particularly high the elements of decay, but there are important internal values that can generate, through retraining and urban development, major impact on the entire urban system ). 4) The investigation of specific lines of action and operational strategies (determination of an initial working hypothesis defining the nature of the interventions and the possible fallout in the short and long term) 5) Construction of preliminary data. Survey and development of the first elements of the Data Base necessary for the subsequent phases of the project.

5 SIWA PROJECT EXPECTED RESULTS Definition of a restoration plan of the historic center of Shali and Aderar-in-Shali Cataloguing and Virtual reconstruction of the chosen heritage elements. Realization of the project for the restoration of certain specific types of architecture (e.g. the old mosque in Shali) Organize an exhibition space that presents the material produced by the project and works as a virtual museum and possible arrival point for tourists and visitors.

6 Preliminary elements of the urban analysis

7 Siwa and the caravan routes

8 Siwa and the structure of the territory






14 Updating of territorial chartography

15 Classification of buildings by type of use

16 Classification of buildings by differentiation of materials used in construction

17 perimeters study

18 first survey of the historic urban core

19 Updating of architectural metrical surveys

20 The old mosque in shali






26 Residential Unit





31 urban reconstruction with traditional techniques urban regeneration and integration with traditional techniques urban conservation urban integration with sperimental techniques

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