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Role of Key Stakeholders in 2015 Measles Vaccination Campaign Stakeholders’ Meeting Monday, 4 th August 2015 Rockview Hotel, Abuja Eunice Damisa.

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Presentation on theme: "Role of Key Stakeholders in 2015 Measles Vaccination Campaign Stakeholders’ Meeting Monday, 4 th August 2015 Rockview Hotel, Abuja Eunice Damisa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Role of Key Stakeholders in 2015 Measles Vaccination Campaign Stakeholders’ Meeting Monday, 4 th August 2015 Rockview Hotel, Abuja Eunice Damisa

2 Presentation Outline  Issues from 2013 Measles Campaign  Role of Key Stakeholders  Stakeholders’ Dashboard

3 Basic Facts  Vaccine Preventable Diseases (VPDs) alone constitute over 30% of the causes of death among children under the age of five years.  Immunization against VPDs has been identified as one of the most cost effective interventions in saving lives, especially amongst children under five years of age.  Studies have revealed that in Nigeria, $17billion USD in economic losses can be averted with more than 600,000 lives saved over the next 10 years by scaling up vaccine coverage to 90% (for Measles, Hib, PCV, Rotavirus and Pertussis)

4 Findings from 2013 measles campaign (Coverage survey & Surveillance)  Non Compliance in Kebbi, Kano, Sokoto and Kaduna  Low coverage: in 27 States, including; Kano 69%, FCT 70%, Borno 72, Taraba 79%, Zamfara 74%, Yobe 78, Sokoto 79%, Edo 76%  Low coverage amongst 1 – 2.5 years  Low coverage in 27 States  Not aware : 5% in the North, 7% Southern states

5 Findings from 2013 measles campaign & Coverage survey & Surveillance (cont)  Missed Children: Benue 10%, FCT 14%, Kaduna 20%, Kano 13%, Katsina 12%, Kebbi 15%, Niger 10%, Sokoto 18%, Taraba 10%  Major reasons for Missed Children: VP too far; lack of info, vaccinator absent, mother too busy  Inadequate mobilization in the north despite the attached house to house mobilizers

6 2013 Measles Coverage Survey – Low performing LGAs S/NStatesLGAsCard Coverage History Coverage Card & History Coverage 1 FCT Bwari23%46%69% 2Gwagwalada36%21%57% 3 Kano Gaya0% 4Nasarawa13%53%67% 5Tudun Wada60%0%60% 6 Edo Esan Central53%13%67% 7Esan South-East37%20%57% 8Etsako East40%13%53% 9Ikpoba Okha13%20%33% 10Oredo7%38%44% 11Ovia North-East27%30%57% 12Ovia South-West31%18%49% 13Owan West47%13%60% 14Uhunmwonde27%13%40%

7 Strategy for Communication / Mobilization

8 The overall strategy is community-based, community driven and community owned and includes:  Advocacy  Stakeholder engagement  Media engagement  Community engagement  capacity building e.g. IPC for the campaign  Message development/dissemination  Information and crisis management  Monitoring and evaluation  Supervision

9 Role of Key Stakeholders

10 Why Partner with you?  You are critical to successful implementation of Health programmes in general and the 2015 Measles Campaign in particular  Opportunity to galvanize the energy and vitality of Professional Groups, NGOs & Civil societies to develop a health friendly environment  Provide platform for the Organized Private Sector (OPS) to perform corporate social responsibility role

11 Some principles for building successful partnership with you Our partnership should be;  Clearly defined  Coordinated and consistent with national goals  Systematically engaged and used strategically to support national and State health strategies such as the measles campaign  Able to respond to a dynamic and rapidly changing environment  Based on mutual respect and good communication  Be sustainable  Monitored & evaluated periodically

12 Possible Areas for Stakeholders Support  Advocacy to political leaders at all level to build trust & secure support & resources  Dissemination of messages through sermons, public events, bulk sms, interpersonal communication etc  Support for production of IEC materials – posters, fliers, FAQs, banners, etc  Support for broadcast of PSAs and jingle on Radio & TV

13 Possible Areas for Stakeholders Support  House-to-house, door-to-door and community mobilization especially in hard- to-convince areas  Provision of resource persons for training & special media appearances  Capacity Building  Provision of incentives to attract caregivers to the vaccination post  ???

14 Stakeholders’ Dashboard

15 STAKEHOLDERAREA OF SUPPORTSPECIFIC ACTIVITYSTATUS as at …………… 4 Wks before IMC 2 weeks before IMC During IMC CPPAMessage disseminationFacilitate inclusion of information on benefits & date of IMC in all Friday mosque sermons in Jigawa state before & during the campaign Done AdvocacyAdvocacy visits to Chairmen of Bari & Gagalada Area Councils of FCT (CPPA team has visited Bari Chairman) Ongoing APPCommunity mobilizationDoor-to-door sensitization of caregivers on the benefits & dates for the IMC in Oredo LGA of Edo state Pending IMC STAKEHOLDERS’ DASHBOARD

16 Working together…  we can make the 2015 measles campaign a success!

17 Discussion  How can your organization contribute to making the 2015 measles campaign a success?  What area will your organization support?  What specific activities will your organization undertake? What will be the scope of your activities?


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