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Acculturation Natasha Zacher 10-AP. Overview Acculturation: the convergence and acceptance of one culture into another. Culture A Culture B Examples throughout.

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Presentation on theme: "Acculturation Natasha Zacher 10-AP. Overview Acculturation: the convergence and acceptance of one culture into another. Culture A Culture B Examples throughout."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acculturation Natasha Zacher 10-AP

2 Overview Acculturation: the convergence and acceptance of one culture into another. Culture A Culture B Examples throughout history: Mongol invasion, Native American convergence, Spanish conquest in South America, many more.

3 Why are we multicultural? Ethnocentrism- belief that one person’s culture is better than someone else’s. British arriving in North America- took over the Native Americans. Others immigrated

4 Acculturation and Identity North American culture has adopted many different parts of other cultures. Minority groups are being phased out. (Assimilation) Mongol conquest in China-13 AD Globally aware.

5 Globalization and Acculturation Multicultural countries have cultures from around the world. Assimilation and accommodation. Brought in holidays and events. Food-Belgian-fried small potatoes when they couldn’t fish. Name origin. Media technology Idol series-brought to many other parts of the world Western acculturation (McDonalds!)

6 Evolution of Christmas December 25 th -Roman-rebirth of the Sun god. Germany-evergreen tree-worship of the Yule god. Early middle ages-overshadowed by Epiphany Late middle ages-King Richard II-huge feast 1800s-banned for controversial religious issues. 20 th century-after WWI. Holiday of peace and commercialism. Santa Claus-from the early Dutch Sint Klaas, Christian saint who gave gold to those in need, Greek Nicholas of Myra, and St. Nicholas of Bari (location of his remains).

7 Christmas!!

8 Inuktitut Language Verbal language of the Inuit. Never written down. Some parts are written in English. Developed by missionaries. English parts-describe global issues.

9 Manga in Canada?! Hugely popular Japanese anime figures YTV-Naruto, Inyuyasha, more Anime Festival at the U of C. All from globalization!

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