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Project 1: Top-Down Design Sean Carroll

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1 Project 1: Top-Down Design Sean Carroll
Flower Toyota, a local automobile dealership, wants to organize and automate their service center.

2 Background Flower Toyota, an automotive sales and service dealership, wants to automate its service center. With business booming, the dealership has had some trouble with long repair times, an insufficient and inefficient number of mechanics, and parts shortages. Flower wants to organize the service center’s scheduling as well as automate customer billing and parts ordering.

3 Statement of Problem Flower Toyota would like a program to assign jobs and track the scheduling of its mechanics, bill its customers for the work automatically, and order parts from its suppliers when they reach a minimum level. The system should contain an input screen for customer billing information, a job screen for diagnosing problems and assigning mechanics, and an inventory screen for monitoring and ordering parts. Outputs should include billing to customers and reports to the service center managers.

4 Structure Chart Main: Car Repair & Maintenance Customer Information
Organization of Mechanics Outputs -- Reports & Billing Inventory Control

5 Flow Chart Job Info Order Supplies? Customer Info/Problem Job
Assignment Inventory Control Billing/ Reports No Yes

6 PseudoCode -- Billing and problem information is taken from customer;
-- Customer is assigned a job number; Job numbers are stored; -- Job number is assigned to a mechanic; -- Parts are requisitioned by number for job; If parts inventory drops too low, order is placed to supplier; -- Mechanic completes job; -- Bill and Report are printed.

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