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October 20 th 2013.  Please make sure to be ready for communion by:  1- Coming early…at least you attend the Gospel’s reading.  2- Being ready spiritually.

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Presentation on theme: "October 20 th 2013.  Please make sure to be ready for communion by:  1- Coming early…at least you attend the Gospel’s reading.  2- Being ready spiritually."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 20 th 2013

2  Please make sure to be ready for communion by:  1- Coming early…at least you attend the Gospel’s reading.  2- Being ready spiritually by repentance and confession.  3- You have no enmity or conflict with others.

3  Congrats to St.Abanoub church and to Abouna Ghobrial for the blessed ordination of Dr.Nader Habib as a new priest for St.Abanoub.  Ordination will be next Sunday at St.Abanoub church by the blessed hands of H.G.Bishop Youssef and H.G.Bishop Serapion.

4 Tuesday : 5:00 - 7:00a.m Friday : No Liturgy (Liturgy at St.Abanoub from 9- 11a.m) Saturday : No Liturgy Sunday : 8:00 –11:30a.m الثلاثاء : 5 -7 ص. الجمعة : لا يوجد قداس ( القداس في كنيسة الشهيد أبانوب من 9:00-11:00 ض.) السبت : لا يوجد قداس الأحد : 8:00 - 11:30 القداسات

5 English: Wednesday : 7:00 – 8:00 adults Book of Revelation.. Arabic: الجمعة 7:30 – 9:00 مساء إجتماع الأسرة مع نيافة الحبر الجليل الأنبا بسادة أسقف أخميم

6 سنبدأ بنعمة الرب في خدمة الأسر الشابة من خلال إجتماع نصف شهري مساء السبت... سيكون أول إجتماع لخدمة العائلة المقدسة مساء السبت 9 نوفمبر من 7:00 – 9:00 م. نصلي من أجل هذه الخدمة الجديدة. سيخدم هذا الإجتماع الأسر الشابة اللذين لهم أطفال حتى سن 12 سنة. بالإضافة للمخطوبين أيضا. مسؤل الإجتماع عزيز ميخائيل & جاكلين.

7  Servants meeting today from 1:15 -2:30p.m.

8  Arabic youth convention at Titusville, Fl.  November 15 th -17 th.  $125/ person (accommodation & food).  More details with Aziz Mikhael & George Ghobrial.

9  Sunday school classes (3 rd 5 th Graders) will come meet with Abouna upstairs at 12:40pm after the Arabic Sermon.

10  Texas family convention will be at Grand Hyatt San Antonio, river walk.  Wednesday November 27 th – Saturday November30th.  Dr.Magdy Naguib (Deacon from Giza Diocese) will be the guest speaker.  The cost is $350/family (not including food)

11  Kids who are candidates for Psaltos (chanter) ordination have to register their names with Nabil Aziz…the child should be 6years old at the time of ordination 9December 1 st ).  For the Oghnostos (Reader), he should be a Sunday school servant and not less than 16 years old.  New Tonias are avaiable – Please contact Nabil Aziz if you need one.

12  Thursday October 24 the Youth Group of St. Abanoub will be presenting a play from 6:30 PM – 8:30 at St. Mary’s church.  HG Bishop Youssef will attend

13 العظة العربي : “ لكل شيء زمان ولكل أمر تحت السموات وقت ” جا 1:3

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