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Renaissance and Reformation 1350s-1500s. Renaissance -rebirth of interest in classical arts and learnings.

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Presentation on theme: "Renaissance and Reformation 1350s-1500s. Renaissance -rebirth of interest in classical arts and learnings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renaissance and Reformation 1350s-1500s

2 Renaissance -rebirth of interest in classical arts and learnings

3 Classical or the “classics” -referring to the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome

4 Greco-Roman -having both Greek and Roman characteristics

5 Humanism -a philosophy (way of thinking) that emphasizes the worth and potential of all individuals I’m important

6 City-State -an individual state consisting of a city and its surrounding territory Florence

7 Patron -a person who supports the arts or other activities by supplying money for them

8 Humanities -group of subjects that focus on human life & culture, such as history, literature and ethics

9 Florence, Italy -a city-state, located on the Arno River, center of trade and commerce, hub of woolen-cloth trade and banking for all of Europe. -"Cradle of the Renaissance"

10 Venice, -an Italian republic city- state of 118 islands linked by canals and bridges, located n northeast Italy near the Adriatic Sea, known for its commerce of silk, grain, spice and for its maritime importance.

11 Secular -non-religious topics

12 vernacular -language spoken in local area; one’s Mother tongue

13 Moveable type System of printing that uses metal, movable components to reproduce multiple copies of text

14 Reformation -historical movement from the early 1500s to the 1600s that led to the start of many new Christian churches

15 Protestants -people who broke away (protested against) the Catholic Church We are leaving. I don’t like what they are doing.

16 Indulgence -a grant by the Catholic Church that released a person from punishment for sins SIN

17 Simony -the buying and selling of important Religious items and church jobs I love my job, but it was expensive

18 Papacy -the office of the pope

19 Great Schism -the period of time (1377-1417) when multiple men all claimed to be the official pope I’m the Pope

20 Heresy -opinions that contradict church teachings, one who holds such beliefs is called a heretic Heretics were often burned at the stake.

21 Doctrine -the official teachings of a religion

22 Theses -a list of arguments I disagree with…

23 Denomination -a particular religious grouping within a larger faith, for example, the Lutheran church is a denomination of Christianity Lutheran Baptist Presbyterian

24 Counter-Reformation -the Catholic Church's attempt to correct church abuses to win back the Protestants Should we give them a second chance? Come back, we have ended the selling of indulgences and simony.

25 Sonnet -a 14 lined poem

26 Renaissance Man -talented in many areas

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