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CHAPTER 3: LITIGATION. Chapter 32 Learning Objectives: Basic Principles Relating to Litigation The Place of Litigation Pre-Trial Proceedings Trial Post-Trial.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 3: LITIGATION. Chapter 32 Learning Objectives: Basic Principles Relating to Litigation The Place of Litigation Pre-Trial Proceedings Trial Post-Trial."— Presentation transcript:


2 Chapter 32 Learning Objectives: Basic Principles Relating to Litigation The Place of Litigation Pre-Trial Proceedings Trial Post-Trial Proceedings CHAPTER 3: LITIGATION

3 Chapter 33 1.Parties a)Trial i.Plaintiff ii.Defendant b)Appeal i.Appellant ii.Appellee BASIC PRINCIPLES OF LITIGATION

4 Chapter 34 1.Parties 2.Standing to Sue a)Rationale for Requirement b)Elements to Establish Standing c)The Special Case of Class-Action Suites BASIC PRINCIPLES OF LITIGATION

5 Chapter 35 1.Jurisdiction –Over Subject Matter –Parties Personal Service Long-Arm Statutes 2.Venue THE PLACE OF LITIGATION

6 Chapter 36 1.Pleadings Complaint—filed by plaintiff Answer—filed by defendant Role of Default 2.Motions Attacking the Pleadings PRE-TRIAL PROCEEDINGS

7 Chapter 37 3.Discover Procedures Purpose Tools Pretrial Conference 4.Motions Prior to Trial Motion for a Judgment on Pleadings Motion for Summary Judgment PRE-TRIAL PROCEEDINGS

8 Chapter 38 1.Jury Role Selection Process 2.Proof Evidence Burdens of Proof  Meanings  Levels of Proof TRIAL

9 Chapter 39 3.Motions During Trial Purpose of Motion Motion for a Directed Verdict 4.Jury Instructions 5.Verdicts and Judgments Verdict Judgment TRIAL

10 Chapter 310 1.Post-Trial Motions Motion for a New Trial Motion for a Judgment Notwithstanding the Verdict POST-TRIAL PROCEEDINGS

11 Chapter 311 2. Appeals a)Types: Matter of Right vs. Discretionary b)Appellate Procedure c)Role of Appellate Court POST-TRIAL PROCEEDINGS


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