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ASME C&S Training Module C5 MODULE C - LEGAL SUBMODULES C1. Conflict Of Interest/Code Of Ethics C2. Antitrust C3. Torts C4. Intellectual Property C5. Speaking.

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1 ASME C&S Training Module C5 MODULE C - LEGAL SUBMODULES C1. Conflict Of Interest/Code Of Ethics C2. Antitrust C3. Torts C4. Intellectual Property C5. Speaking For The Society

2 ASME C&S Training Module C5 REVISIONS CHANGESLIDEDATE First item revised. First bulleted item revised; new bulleted item added. New slide added; remainder of slides renumbered. New reference to P-15.1 added. 7 7 Notes 8 11 6/16/06

3 C5. Speaking for the Society

4 ASME C&S Training Module C5Slide 3 OBJECTIVES This submodule will –Explain ASME policies regarding speaking or sending correspondence on behalf of the Society

5 ASME C&S Training Module C5Slide 4 EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS Definition –Communications with individuals or organizations outside of ASME External communication responsibilities –ASME staff: most external communications Standards users (e.g. inquirers) Other standards-writing bodies Regulatory bodies –Volunteers: as necessary or desirable

6 ASME C&S Training Module C5Slide 5 SPEAKING FOR THE SOCIETY C&S Senior Vice President (Codes and Standards Board of Directors Chair) –May speak on any C&S matter C&S Vice Presidents (Board Chairs) –May speak on C&S matters within their area of responsibility Codes and Standards Committee Members –May present approved ASME statements or positions when specifically authorized –Clarification of status required

7 ASME C&S Training Module C5Slide 6 SPEAKING FOR THE SOCIETY NOTIFICATION Keep the ASME President apprised of statements made on behalf of the Society.

8 ASME C&S Training Module C5Slide 7 USING LETTERHEAD ASME letterhead –For technical responses to regulatory proposals, position statements, administrative and personnel matters –C&S Board of Directors Chair & Vice Chair, C&S Board Chairs Committee correspondence letterhead –For all other C&S correspondence –Sender acting as participant in an ASME board, board of directors or committee Employer’s letterhead –When acting as an employee (e.g., inquiry)

9 ASME C&S Training Module C5Slide 8 BUSINESS CARDS ASME business cards are provided to –Staff –Individuals under contract with ASME, via agreed terms and conditions ASME business cards may be provided to –Senior Vice President and elected C&S vice presidents –Use limited to events where participation is requested by staff

10 ASME C&S Training Module C5Slide 9 POP QUIZ #1 An individual who participates in ASME activities has been asked by his employer to present an inquiry and get clarification on a particular standard. Which type(s) of stationery could the individual use? _____ a.ASME letterhead b.His C&S committee stationery c.His own company stationery

11 ASME C&S Training Module C5Slide 10 POP QUIZ #2 (Extra Credit) A C&S committee member may speak publicly on behalf of ASME on which of the following? _____ a.Any ASME issue b.Any C&S issue related to his/her committee c.Approved ASME positions, if authorized to do so d.No ASME issues

12 ASME C&S Training Module C5Slide 11 REFERENCES Codes and Standards Policy –CSP-18 Speaking for the Society* Society Policies –P-15.1 Public Affairs & Public Statements *Available on C&S Web site at Committee=A01000000&Action=7609

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