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Publications 3.02 Understand business publications.

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2 Publications 3.02 Understand business publications.

3 Slide 2 What type of publication should you use? The type of publication depends upon the purpose of the communication and the characteristics of the target audience. –Why and what do you need to communicate? –To whom are you communicating?

4 3.02 Understand business publications. Slide 3 Classify the Purpose

5 3.02 Understand business publications. Slide 4 What’s the Purpose? To identify and provide contact information To communicate information about a one- time upcoming event To inform or advertise about a specific topic To provide informational updates to a specific club, group, or organization on a regular basis – weekly, monthly, quarterly Click here

6 3.02 Understand business publications. Slide 5 Now let’s practice! Let’s see if you can determine the type of publication that is best suited for each scenario in the next activity.

7 3.02 Understand business publications. Slide 6 Use a Business Card or Letterhead Stationery Business Card Letterhead Stationery Back

8 3.02 Understand business publications. Slide 7 Use a FlyerFlyer State Soccer Playoffs Lake Norman HS November 15, 2009 Asheville, NC 7:00 pm Pay $10 to ride the bus Back

9 3.02 Understand business publications. Slide 8 Use a BrochureBrochure Back

10 3.02 Understand business publications. Slide 9 Use a Newsletter Newsletter Back

11 3.02 Understand business publications. Slide 10 Business Card contains contact information for a business or individual helps recipient remember you or your business includes the contact’s name, company, logo, address, telephone and cell phone numbers, email address, and fax number Can include a photograph Back

12 3.02 Understand business publications. Slide 11 Letterhead Stationery letterhead stationery implies is a heading at the top and sometimes also at the bottom of a letter includes the name and logo of the company or individual, the address, phone numbers, email address, website, and fax number When used with a business card, color scheme and graphics should be consistent and complementary Back

13 3.02 Understand business publications. Slide 12 Flyer one-page document used by a business or individual to advertise or provide information about an event Distributed via an attachment to email, by posting on bulletin boards or telephone poles, or handed out on the street Used to convey information that is temporary in nature and has a short life span Back

14 3.02 Understand business publications. Slide 13 Brochure Used by organization or individual to advertise or provide information more long-term than that of a flyer A short publication, which employs the use of color and graphics May be in single-sheet form, printed front and back for bi-fold or tri-fold presentation Back

15 3.02 Understand business publications. Slide 14 Newsletter formatted in columns with side headings, graphics, and text boxes present information and updates for a specific organization, club, agency, or business Examples of newsletters include the HHS newsletter published at your school, those distributed by churches, and those used to convey the news and events of the Boys and Girls Clubs Back

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