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 A 21 year old man has been accused of stealing a car and driving it dangerously along the A49 from Hereford to Leominster  He was arrested the next.

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2  A 21 year old man has been accused of stealing a car and driving it dangerously along the A49 from Hereford to Leominster  He was arrested the next day by the police and given a court date in which to appear before the judge

3  You will need in your groups  The defendant  The Judge  Witnesses  Lawyers – prosecuting and defending

4  The Judge will ask the defendant to state whether they are guilty or not guilty  The defendant replies “Not Guilty”  You will need to prepare what your witness’ are going to say …. For example can they “identify” the subject?  How the lawyers may respond – “Was it dark? How far away were you?” etc

5  Run through witnesses, what the defendant says – does hew have alibi? Is there CCTV footage?  The Class will decide the verdict and the Judge will sentence the defendant or find him not guilty of all charges

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