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AP World History POD #14 -Age of Reason English Constitutionalism.

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1 AP World History POD #14 -Age of Reason English Constitutionalism

2 Class Discussion Questions McKay – “Constitutionalism”, pp. 548-558

3 What is the definition of constitutionalism?  The limitation of government by law  Balance between the authority and power of the government and the rights and liberties of the people  Whether written or unwritten a constitution gets its binding force from the government’s acknowledgment that it must respect the constitution and that the state must govern according to the laws

4 What political miscalculation did King James I make?  Believed the monarch has a divine right to his authority and is responsible only to God  Believed he had total royal justification over the liberties, persons, and properties of the English people (this view contradicted the long-standing history of due process of law in England)  Political Miscalculation – he needed the House of Commons to open the state’s pocketbook – a showdown was in order

5 Who were the Puritans and how did they influence and pressure the English throne?  Most were Calvinists  Believed the Reformation had not gone far enough  Wanted to purge the Anglican Church of all Roman Catholic elements – including elaborate vestments and ceremonials, bishops, the position of the altar and even the custom of giving and wearing wedding rings  Practiced the “Protestant” work ethic

6 How did King Charles I attempt to solve the English financial crisis?  Ruled without Parliament for 11 years  Financed the government through stop gap levies most considered illegal  Most felt this was taxation without consent and arbitrary absolute despotism  Charles could not put down the rebellion in Scotland as he could not fund a military as the House of Commons would not provide the money for this (THEY DID NOT TRUST HIM)

7 What two interests clashed during the English Civil War (1642-1649)?  Fought to determine who would hold the power in England – the King or Parliament  King recruited an army from the nobility and it’s cavalry, rural gentry, and mercenaries  Parliamentary army was made up of the London militia, country squires with business connections, and men who held a belief in a duty to serve

8 How was the English Civil War resolved?  1649 – Charles I was tried, convicted, and executed on charges of high treason  Oliver Cromwell and the Protectorate rose to power  Cromwell controlled the military and thus possessed political power  Ruled during the “Interregnum” when England was a commonwealth or republic  His rule amounted to military dictatorship  Toleration and protection given to Protestants  Persecution of Catholics

9 What actions were taken in the Restoration of 1660?  Charles II the eldest son of Charles I returned to power  Restored the monarchy, Anglican Church, courts of law and the system of the government employing justices of the peace  Desired to cooperate with Parliament  Created a council of advisors who were also members of Parliament – this would evolve into the Cabal – loyal to the king and answerable to Parliament

10 How did the rule of Kings Charles II and James II further alienate the English populace?  Charles II – secret agreement with France where he would be given money if he gradually re-Catholicized England and converted himself / This agreement was discovered by the House of Commons who passed legislation prohibiting royal succession to a Catholic / Charles II disbanded Parliament  James II – brother to Charles II / Catholic – this inflamed the anti-Catholic fears / appeared to be reviving the absolutism of his Grandfather / Issued an indulgence granting religious freedom to all

11 What actions were taken in the Glorious Revolution of 1688?  December 1688 – King James II and his family fled to France  Mary and her Dutch husband William of Orange were invited to take the throne  Glorious – in that it was a revolution without bloodshed  Affirmed that sovereignty and power would be divided between the monarchy and Parliament  English Bill of Rights – became the basis of the English Constitution  Law to be made in Parliament and could not be suspended by the crown

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