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A thrust contact at Godthul-South Georga Island. AAPG Explorer. COOL!

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1 A thrust contact at Godthul-South Georga Island. AAPG Explorer. COOL!
Yo PE’s, be sure to check out the comments in the “notes” section of this power point.

2 What is it? Note cliff forming (tan colored layered sandstones or carbonates) versus brown-grey slope forming (shales) units. Are there discordancies or concordancies? Yes, there is a FW ramp and a HW flat juxtaposed across a thrust fault that dips to the left.

3 Keystone Thrust, Nevada
Paleozoic Jurassic Aerial view of the Keystone thrust view to the north. Note juxtaposition of older rocks on top of younger rocks, and the sinuous, v’ing pattern of the fault contact. View to northwest

4 Red Spring Thrust, Nevada (related to the Keystone)
Paleozoic Jurassic View from the ground looking back toward where the plane was flying! Fun! Photo from Ryan Petterson, Caltech

Himalayan Frontal thrust- active thrust slicing up foreland basin Flat on ramp geometry here in poorly consolidated sediments. My graduate student office mate Keegan Schmidt for scale. From Keegan Schmidt

6 View to North From Rick Allmendinger
McConnell thrust in all its glory at Mount Yamnuska! This region is featured in the Bourne movie… the one that DOESN’T have Matt Damon in it but has the pretty actress who looks like the former Chelsea physio who was fired by Jose Mourinho…. Lame! (Aren’t you glad I know all this superfluous information?!?!) From Rick Allmendinger

7 rocks Cambrian carbonate Upper Cretaceous
Another view of the fabulous McConnell thrust. The McConnell thrust, Alberta. Shows a classic footwall ramp and flat geometry. Shamelessly stolen from the internets…

8 … wow… sublime… awe-inspiring. Photo by Ken McClay
… wow… sublime… awe-inspiring. Photo by Ken McClay. Read Boyer and Elliott, 1982, and McKlay, 1992 for background on all the structures one can see in this amazing photo! Draw what you see…

9 Another view of the fold along strike of the view in the previous image.

10 I didn’t get to this, but a fabulous view of growth strata in the FW of a thrust. The diagram shows a schematic view of the wedge-shaped, or fan-shaped nature of the growth strata. Can you label the oldest versus youngest strata in this diagram and can you see any unconformities?

11 Thrust Fault Systems • TERMS
Allochthon Authochthon Klippe Fenster/Window Fault Trace Ramp - oblique - lateral - frontal Flat Displacement “Cut-offs” - hangingwall - footwall - bedding Hinterland Foreland Duplex Horse Roof Thrust Floor/sole thrust Fault Trace, branch lines, tip lines Imbrication Imbricate Stack Imbricate Fan Dahlstrom’s Rules Forward vs. Backward Fault Propagation Cross sections Deformed-state Balanced Retrodeformed Thrust sheet Nappe HW/FW Upper plate Lower plate Slice ………. Some, but unfortunately, not all, of the terms used in FTBs…. Sorry… Structural geologists keep note card companies in business…

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