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Dr. Douglas C. Schmidt, Dr. Aniruddha S. Gokhale, Bala Natarajan, Jeff Parsons, Tao Lu, Boris Kolpackov, Krishnakumar Balasubramanian, Arvind Krishna,

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Douglas C. Schmidt, Dr. Aniruddha S. Gokhale, Bala Natarajan, Jeff Parsons, Tao Lu, Boris Kolpackov, Krishnakumar Balasubramanian, Arvind Krishna,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Douglas C. Schmidt, Dr. Aniruddha S. Gokhale, Bala Natarajan, Jeff Parsons, Tao Lu, Boris Kolpackov, Krishnakumar Balasubramanian, Arvind Krishna, Gan Deng, George Edwards, Jaiganesh Balasubramanian, Emre Turkaye Institute for Software Integrated Systems Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee DARPA/AFRL Contract # F33615-03-C-4112 Model-Driven Middleware for Distributed Real-time & Embedded Systems Dr. Jeff Gray, Jane Lin, Jing Zhang University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama

2 2 Model Driven Middleware for DRE Systems &  CoSMIC: Tailored towards the new OMG Deployment & Configuration specification  Aspect modeling  Model weaving via C-SAW (UAB sub)  Analysis & model checking (KSU) Metadata descriptors, deployment & launch scripts  Synthesize benchmarking suite, descriptor metadata, launch scripts  CIAO: QoS-enabled component middleware for DRE systems (WashU Collaboration)

3 3 CoSMIC Tools: Packaging (1/7)  Composable Adaptive Software Systems (COMPASS) tool to resolve the problem of packaging component functionality  Modeling paradigm that allows DRE application integrators to model the component assembly and packaging aspect  Model interpreter enables the synthesis of metadata describing component packages  Run-time tool support to parse the descriptors and create assemblies  POC: Krishnakumar Balasubramanian (

4 4  Options Configuration Modeling Language (OCML)  Addressed ORB-level configuration aspects  OCML provides constraints on valid combinations of ORB parameters.  Synthesizes descriptors encoding the rules  Application developers model a set of ORB configuration parameters  Application developers validate their ORB configurations against these rules CoSMIC Tools: ORB Configuration (2/7) POC: Emre Turkaye (

5 5  RT Event channel integration with CIAO containers  Patterns-based unified API to integrate event service, notification service and real-time event service  Model-driven synthesis of descriptor metadata for event channel configuration and integration  Permits event delivery for events between colocated components  Integration with KSU Cadena  POC: George Edwards ( Event channel integration in CIAO CoSMIC Tools: Event Channel Integration (3/7)

6 6  Federated Event Service Modeling Language (FESML)  Used to model a federation of event channels  Modeling entities include the producers, consumers, channels, networks, and gateways  Synthesizes the metadata to configure a federated event channel CoSMIC Tools: Federated Event Channels (4/7) POC: Gan Deng (dengg@dre,

7 7  Model Integrated Deployment and Configuration Environment for Composable Software Systems (MIDCESS)  Resolves deployment planning challenges  Allows modeling artifacts of deployment environment, such as nodes, networks, bridges  Synthesizes deployment plan metadata  POC: Jaiganesh Balasubramanian ( CoSMIC Tools: Deployment Planning (5/7)

8 8  CCMPerf is a model integrated test and benchmarking suite  Models application use-case scenarios to synthesize desired performance aspects of DRE applications  POC: Arvind Krishna ( CoSMIC Tools: Benchmarking (6/7)

9 9 DMS Transformation Rules DMS Common/Project Library of BoldStroke C++ Source Code void BM__PushPullComponentImpl::Update (const UUEventSet& events) { BM__ComponentInstrumentation::EventConsumer(GetId(), "Update", events); unsigned int tempData1 = GetId().GetGroupId(); unsigned int tempData2 = GetId().GetItemId(); std::vector ::iterator devIter = devices_.begin(); std::vector ::iterator endIter = devices_.end(); for (; devIter != endIter; ++devIter) { BM__ClosedComponent* component = *devIter; const UUIdentifier& id = component->GetId(); if (idInEventSet(id, events)) { const BM__ClosedFunctionalFacet& facet = component->ProvideClosedFunctionalFacet(); BM__ComponentInstrumentation::SendDirectCall(GetId(), "Update", component->GetId(), "GetData1"); tempData1 += facet.GetData1(); BM__ComponentInstrumentation::SendDirectCall(GetId(), "Update", component->GetId(), "GetData2"); tempData2 += facet.GetData2(); } data1_ = tempData1; data2_ = tempData2; } void BM__PushPullComponentImpl::Update (const UUEventSet& events) { UM__GUARD_EXTERNAL_REGION(GetExternalPushLock()); BM__ComponentInstrumentation::EventConsumer(GetId(), "Update", events); unsigned int tempData1 = GetId().GetGroupId(); unsigned int tempData2 = GetId().GetItemId(); std::vector ::iterator devIter = devices_.begin(); std::vector ::iterator endIter = devices_.end(); for (; devIter != endIter; ++devIter) { BM__ClosedComponent* component = *devIter; const UUIdentifier& id = component->GetId(); if (idInEventSet(id, events)) { const BM__ClosedFunctionalFacet& facet = component->ProvideClosedFunctionalFacet(); BM__ComponentInstrumentation::SendDirectCall(GetId(), "Update", component->GetId(), "GetData1"); tempData1 += facet.GetData1(); BM__ComponentInstrumentation::SendDirectCall(GetId(), "Update", component->GetId(), "GetData2"); tempData2 += facet.GetData2(); } UM__GUARD_INTERNAL_REGION; log.add(“data1_=”+data1_); data1_ = tempData1; data2_ = tempData2; log.add(“data2_=”+data2_); } Transformed Bold Stroke Code CoSMIC Packaging ModelCoSMIC Configuration Model Aspect Model Weaving CoSMIC Tools – Integration with C-SAW (7/7) POC: Dr. Jeff Gray (


11 11  Software Releases: ACE 5.4, TAO 1.4 (end of December 2003) Downloads Beta and Stable release can be accessed from Contains papers, downloads, video demos  Software release: CIAO 0.3.3 & CoSMIC models (end of Dec 03)  Software release: C-SAW Aspect Model Weaver

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