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Dependence of SMOS/MIRAS brightness temperatures on wind speed and foam model Xiaobin Yin, Jacqueline Boutin LOCEAN & ARGANS.

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Presentation on theme: "Dependence of SMOS/MIRAS brightness temperatures on wind speed and foam model Xiaobin Yin, Jacqueline Boutin LOCEAN & ARGANS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dependence of SMOS/MIRAS brightness temperatures on wind speed and foam model Xiaobin Yin, Jacqueline Boutin LOCEAN & ARGANS

2 Introduction Martin et al. JGR, 2014 CAROLS flights => slightly lower wind influence than model 1 at high WS Comparison with other ESL empirical models also suggest overestimate of model 1 at high WS In model 1 previous development we empirically derive foam coverage from SMOS Tbs assuming Stogryn 1972 empirical foam emissivity model (fn of frequency and incidence angle). Since that model was developped for freq>13GHz, we review the SMOS foam model 1 (emissivity+coverage)

3 Along track in the FOV (+-20km) and in front of Nadir SMOS ascending Tbs (L1c V620 ): Tbs along track (~ no mixing of polarization) in the Southern Pacific (far from land) from 50°S to 0°N. L2 measurement discrimination (same as for OTT generation except). 15 ascending orbits in May 2011 + 15 ascending orbits in November 2012 SMOS data used Incidence angles from 0° to 55°

4 Modeling of SMOS Tbs Tb = Tb atm ↑ + R sea (Tb atm ↓ + Tb sky ) exp(-  atm ) + Tb sea exp(-  atm ) Ocean Atmosphere Tbsea= (Tb flat +Tb rough ) (1-F) + F Tb foam =Tb flat +Tb wind Tb wind derived from SMOS Tbs after correcting for all other effects Tbsea=e sea SST e sea =e flat + e wind R sea =1- e sea Wind induced components from the SMOS TB

5 Data fitting Wind induced component of emissivity deduced (0-55° in step of 5°) Tb wind =(1-F)Tbrough + F(Tbfoam-Tbflat) 3m/s<U<7m/s a 0 (prior=0.004 – 0.008) 8m/s<U<22m/s Coverage F(U) & emissivity e foam (U) a 0 =0.005 (same as Yin et al., 2012) Spectrum (proportional to Durden and Vesecky wave spectrum) Foam Thickness(U)

6 e f = m U e fU + m D e fD + m w Foam emissivity upward e downward e reflected transmitted water e Microwave emissivity of sea foam layers with vertically inhomogeneous dielectric properties Air Foam Sea water Thickness Ulaby et al., 1981, 2013, Anguelova and Gaiser, 2013 Void fraction

7 Dependence of foam emissivity on foam layer thickness Z for different frequencies Thickness is a key point for the foam emissivity at L band (it varies from 0.35 to close to 1 with thickness varying from 0.01cm to 2cm) In the following, we assume ‘effective’ foam thickness = fn(U)

8 L band foam thickness, foam coverage & Void Fraction derived from SMOS multi-angular TBs using a Levenberg & Marquardt minimisation scheme Thickness(U) (‘effective’) Foam coverage(U) Fitted Void Fraction (percentage of air in a bubble) at the air-foam interface is always around 98%.

9 Foam emissivity VS wind speed (thickness) Foam emissivity (different U) VS incidence angle

10 Tbwind VS wind speed Much better fit to SMOS Tbs at high U and much closer to Guimbard et al. 2012 fit... except at 55°Vpol ? What happens at 55° V-pol? Latitudinal drift? Permittivity?

11 No latitudinal drift in Thwind at 7m/s 1K latitudinal drift from 50S to 0 in Tvwind at 7m/s at 55 incidence angles HPOL VPOL ? Latitudinal profiles of Tbwind at 7m/s Tbwind averaged over 1° latitudinal bin

12 Comparison with AQUARIUS models Tbwind from SMOS is higher than Tbwind from Aquarius. Different WS used (Aquarius team uses SSMI, NCEP & WINDSAT)

13 Yin et al., RSE, 2013

14 Conclusions and Perspectives 1) Foam thickness is one key point for the foam emissivity at L band, which varies from 0.35 to close to 1 with thickness varying from ~1mm (U~7m/s) to > 2cm. 2) A much better agreement with SMOS data is obtained when introducing a foam emissivity as a function of wind speed (foam ‘effective’ thickness). But still disagreement at 55°V-pol ??? 3) SMOS Tbwind is different to Aquarius Tbwind at wind speed above 15m/s (likely an effect of differences between ECWMF and SSMIS at high WS) 4) A larger set of V6 SMOS L1c TB will be used for validating and/or improving model.

15 Tbwind VS wind speed

16 Comparison with Aquarius models Tbwind without shift

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