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The Textbook The required text for this course is: EasyWriter: A Pocket Reference Third edition Andrea A. Lunsford Bedford/St. Martins, 2006 ISBN 0-312-43309-3.

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1 The Textbook The required text for this course is: EasyWriter: A Pocket Reference Third edition Andrea A. Lunsford Bedford/St. Martins, 2006 ISBN 0-312-43309-3

2 The book’s companion site: This Web site includes an extensive collection of free online resources, such as: Writing, Grammar, and Research Exercises, Diagostic exercises Resources for research projects across the disciplines 24 model research papers illustrating different citation styles.

3 Bedford/St. Martin’s Research Pack Your handbook is packaged with these items which help you with research and documentation of sources: – i-cite Visualizing Sources CD-ROM –quick access cards for using MLA and APA documentation styles –St. Martin’s Pocket Guide to Research and Documentation –access to Research Pack Online.

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