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The Human Chimp Aug 18th. How Similar are Chimps and Humans? Implications What are the similarities?

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Presentation on theme: "The Human Chimp Aug 18th. How Similar are Chimps and Humans? Implications What are the similarities?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Human Chimp Aug 18th

2 How Similar are Chimps and Humans? Implications What are the similarities?

3 Molecular Clocks Used to measure genetic distances and to date times of evolutionary divergence How it works: –Based on fossil evidence, lions and tigers diverged 5 mya and molecules differ by 1% –If we then took 2 other species and found they differed by 3%, the molecular clock would say they diverged 15 mya

4 DNA The best molecule for use with molecular clocks To measure the change in DNA structure: –Mix DNA from 2 species –Measure how many degrees of temperature the melting point of the mixed DNA is reduced below the melting point of pure DNA from a single species –A melting point lowered by 1°C means the DNAs of the 2 species differ by roughly 1%

5 Family Tree of the Higher Primates

6 The Great Leap Forward When modern humans replaced Neanderthals 3 changes launched us in the direction of modern humans –4 mya – upright posture –3 mya – Australopithecus robustus and A. africanus –2.5 mya – tool use

7 Man the Hunter Unclear whether early Homo sapiens were hunters or scavengers Big-game hunting led to –The development of language and bigger brains? –Concealed ovulation?

8 The Human Family Tree

9 40,000 years ago in Europe Arrival of anatomically modern people - Cro-Magnons Art, musical instruments, lamps, and trade Needles, rope, fish hooks, mortar and pestles, harpoons, darts, bows and arrows The Great Leap Forward

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