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PROFESSIONAL LEARNING LOG PURPOSE: * To help you reflect on and improve your professional practice.

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1 PROFESSIONAL LEARNING LOG PURPOSE: * To help you reflect on and improve your professional practice

2 TYPES OF LOGS 1. Personal – You maintain a log of your observations, reflections and actions. 1. Personal – You maintain a log of your observations, reflections and actions. 2. Professional Learning Team ( PLT) Log- Staff within your division choose to focus on a specific aspect of program improvement and meet regularly to discuss ideas, efforts, and successes. 2. Professional Learning Team ( PLT) Log- Staff within your division choose to focus on a specific aspect of program improvement and meet regularly to discuss ideas, efforts, and successes.

3 PERSONAL LOG Areas of improvement are either self-identified or result from a recent Performance Appraisal. Areas of improvement are either self-identified or result from a recent Performance Appraisal. Demonstrate your understanding of: Demonstrate your understanding of: - the area requiring improvement - the area requiring improvement - what improved practice in this area looks like, sounds like, feels like - what improved practice in this area looks like, sounds like, feels like

4 PERSONAL LOGS Provide evidence of personal growth. Provide evidence of personal growth. May contain data or photographs to demonstrate growth. May contain data or photographs to demonstrate growth. Always keep the focus and purpose of teacher growth defined in student terms ( e.g., Why is your improvement in this area good for your students’ learning?) Always keep the focus and purpose of teacher growth defined in student terms ( e.g., Why is your improvement in this area good for your students’ learning?) May focus on growth in a current course you are studying. May focus on growth in a current course you are studying. Sometimes, time is Board or Ministry funded. Sometimes, time is Board or Ministry funded.

5 PROFESSIONAL LEARNING TEAM LOGS Usually will take the form of minutes of your team meetings. Usually will take the form of minutes of your team meetings. Should be focused on real data. Should be focused on real data. In a PLT, every staff member takes responsibility for every child’s progress; it’s a division concern, not a grade concern. In a PLT, every staff member takes responsibility for every child’s progress; it’s a division concern, not a grade concern. Should be “strategy of support” focused ( e.g., “ What do we, as a team, need to do to get this improvement in this child?”) Should be “strategy of support” focused ( e.g., “ What do we, as a team, need to do to get this improvement in this child?”)

6 PROFESSIONAL LEARNING TEAMS Current Ministry focus is on PLT’s and Numeracy and Literacy initiatives in schools Current Ministry focus is on PLT’s and Numeracy and Literacy initiatives in schools Tracking Boards Tracking Boards Provide a very rich form of in-service Provide a very rich form of in-service May be school, Board, or Ministry initiated. May be school, Board, or Ministry initiated.

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