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What Elders Can’t Do For Us/You Being scripturally organized has a number of advantages: 1. Obviously, being pleasing to God. 2. Having men of wisdom.

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Presentation on theme: "What Elders Can’t Do For Us/You Being scripturally organized has a number of advantages: 1. Obviously, being pleasing to God. 2. Having men of wisdom."— Presentation transcript:


2 What Elders Can’t Do For Us/You Being scripturally organized has a number of advantages: 1. Obviously, being pleasing to God. 2. Having men of wisdom and experience leading us and watching for our souls. But, having Elders does not solve all our problems or remove the potential for new ones.

3 What Elders Can’t Do for Us/You This isn’t pessimism- it’s realism. Why? 1) Because having a scriptural Eldership absolves no one of their individual responsibilities to God, or his/her brethren. Failures in these areas will still cause problems. 2) Having Elders doesn’t eliminate problems, it gives us the advantage of having wisdom and experience to help solve them! 3) Certainly, good leadership can eliminate some potential problems, but not all of them.

4 What Elders Can’t Do for Us/You I. Disobey God, for You or Anyone Else. -Strange place to start? Perhaps. But Elders are bound by the same Book as everyone else. His first duty is to maintain personal purity and devotion to God, Acts 20:28. -Like everyone else, he must constantly compare himself to the mirror of God’s word, Jas.1:22-25. -Additionally, he has the added responsibility of being an example to the flock, 1Pet.5:3b. -If these things are not done, he is no benefit to anyone! “So???”

5 What Elders Can’t Do for Us/You I. Disobey God, for You or Anyone Else. (cont.) -This obviously does not allow for “rule bending” or preferential treatment of himself, other elders, the preacher(s), deacons, or anyone else! -Impartiality is not specifically named among the qualifications, but is certainly required to meet several of them. cf. James 2:2-10. -Elders must be, and work to be, everyone’s elders- not just the faithful, influential, etc. Such does not require sinless perfection- they are still men and will make mistakes individually, and perhaps even collectively. They need your encouragement then too.

6 What Elders Can’t Do for Us/You II. Neither Can the Elders Obey God for You. Submission to an Eldership does not absolve anyone of personal responsibility toward spiritual growth, maturity, reproduction, or helping others to do likewise. Consider: -Submission to parents does not absolve personal responsibility, Eph.6:1-3. -Submission to a husband does not absolve personal responsibility, 1Pet.3:1-6; 1Cor.7:12-16 -Submission to government does not absolve personal responsibility, cp.1Pet.2:13-17 > Acts 5:29 -Submission to employers does not absolve personal responsibility, 1Pet.2:18-20 So why would submission to Elders absolve us of any personal responsibility? Matt.18:15ff and Gal.6:1-2 are still there & binding!

7 What Elders Can’t Do for Us/You II. Neither Can the Elders Obey God for You. (cont.) Thus, Elders will not solve your obedience issues for you, Gal.6:5. -They can and should help by providing a proper church environment which is conducive to your personal growth. But that only helps if you take advantage of it by attendance and participation. -They can and should provide essential nutrients from God’s word as fuel for your growth, cf.1Tim.3:15. But you must do your part by eating, digesting, and exercising to attain growth. -They can and should provide personal encouragement, through example, wise counsel, and even discipline. But they cannot obey God for you or force you to grow spiritually against your will. Even Jesus did not beg or force people to follow Him! No one will be dragged into heaven! 2Pet.1:2-11; 2Cor.5:10

8 What Elders Can’t Do for Us/You III. They Cannot Study God’s Word for You. This is certainly connected to the previous point, and may even be redundant to it. But… >The basis or beginning point of Christian growth and maturity is knowledge. All else is dependant upon true knowledge from God’s word, 2Pet.1:2-4. >However wise and knowledgeable this or any other eldership may be, it in no way allows the members under it take the ostrich mentality of sticking our heads in the sand and expecting to grow by spiritual osmosis. >Learn the lesson of Prov.14:4- diligence is required to gain the benefit of knowledge, cf.14:6; 2Tim.2:15. Your personal growth as a Christian is directly tied to your personal knowledge of God’s word, and your personal commitment to it. They can be of great assistance, but you have to want/work for it!

9 What Elders Can’t Do for Us/You Conclusions: Certainly, we expect, and rightfully so, to be benefited by the wisdom and experience of our Shepherds. But this does not absolve us of our personal duties toward God, ourselves, each other, or them! They can’t be Christians for us, nor can they lead us to the green pastures of heaven against our will! Perhaps oversimplified, the job of the Elders is move the group/flock toward heaven. How much more pleasant is their task if we truly want to go and are willing to follow them there! Heb.13:17 and 10:25


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