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Unit A Leadership in Career Development Competencies 1.00-3.00.

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1 Unit A Leadership in Career Development Competencies 1.00-3.00

2 Parts of a program  1. Classroom and laboratory instruction  2. Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE)  3. FFA.

3 Ceremonies and traditions  FFA mission “To make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.”

4 Strategies  Know the ways to accomplish the mission Program of Activities Career Development Events Leadership Conferences Agriculture Classes

5 Ceremonies and Traditions  Opening and closing ceremonies are rituals that add dignity to a meeting and explain the meaning of certain traditional emblems.

6 Opportunities  Officers and Committees Know duties and how those experiences can be used in the biotech/agricultural research industry. Examples  President – preside of industry board meetings  Secretary – keep minutes of meetings for research teams  Treasurer – Keep financial records for a research project, or develop a budget for a research proposal.  Reporter – serve on NC Biotech Center Public Relations Committee, etc.

7 Opportunities  Program of Activities Helps in setting goals and developing plans and steps to reach those goals Three areas  Student, Chapter, & Community  Career Development Events Speaking events, parliamentary procedure to learn how to participate in business meetings, skills events such as Food Science

8 Opportunities  Proficiency Awards Entrepreneurship or individual placement awards growing out of a student’s SAE program.  Banquets, conventions, conferences, social events, community service, etc.

9 Parliamentary Procedure

10 Main Objectives  Focus on one item at a time Helps prevent confusion  Extend courtesy to everyone Recognition before speaking  Observe the rule of the majority Keeps unpopular ideas from being adopted  Ensure the rights of the minority All sides can make motions, second motions, discuss and vote.

11 Principles of Parliamentary Law  Definition Using well-defined rules from the book of authority, Roberts Rules of Order, to conduct business using a formal, organized approach.  The “second” guarantees more than one person agrees that the group should consider a motion.

12 Principles  Discussion/Debate Requires a 2/3 majority vote to stop discussion (Previous Question)  Presiding Officer Should be fair and impartial Should leave the chairman’s station and relinquish chairman’s duties to discuss or present a point of view.

13 Symbol of Authority  Gavel 1 tap = Sit down 2 taps = Call to order 3 taps = Stand up Series of taps = Restore Order

14 Principles  An agenda or list of what will be done at a business meeting should be prepared before the meeting.  Parliamentary Procedure CDE A team leadership activity, whereas; creed, extemporaneous speaking and prepared public speaking are individual leadership activities

15 Main Motion  Purpose is to present a new idea or item of business Only one main motion can be on floor or before the group at the same time.

16 “I move to” or “I move that”  To make a motion, a member must: Address the presiding officer Receive recognition to speak State the motion – “I move to…” or “I move that..” Another member seconds the motion Motion is discussed Vote on motion Chair announces result of vote.

17 Other Motions  Adjourn (privileged motion) To close the meeting Requires simple majority vote  Refer to Committee Places the motion in a committee and motion should include:  Number of committee  How appointed  Powers and duties  When to report back

18 Other Motions  Point of Order Used to correct a parliamentary mistake  Division of assembly or house To get a counted vote  Amendment To change a motion (requires simple majority vote Addition, subtraction, or substitution  Previous question To stop discussion (requires 2/3 majority vote

19 Public Speaking  Parts of a speech Introduction  Tell the audience what you are going to tell them Body  Tell the audience Conclusion  Tell the audience what you just told them

20 Introduction  Presented first in the speech  Used to catch the audience’s attention  Relatively short  Always clearly state the thesis statement or main idea of the speech

21 Body  Main part of the speech  Presented after the introduction  Longest part of the speech  Contains the major points and information

22 Conclusion  Short and to the point, providing a peak or climax in the intensity of the speech  Used to restate the major points and wrap up your remarks  Usually relatively short

23 A Good Public Speaker  1. Practice Use a mirror, recorder, etc. to observe appearance and develop confidence for good stage presence Use a recorder to determine adjustments needed for voice and power of expression Eye contact helps involve and focus the audience and should be spread throughout the room Facial expressions help emphasize content, but can become a distraction.

24 A Good Public Speaker  2. Preparation The most important thing in writing a speech is organization  Always start with a good outline Know your material  Gives confidence and makes delivery easier  Gives credibility with the audience  Never read a speech

25 A Good Public Speaker  3. Perseverance Don’t give up Success equals preparation time Speaking becomes easier with practice.

26 Assignment  Create a table or chart for the motions from your starter. Tell me the following about each. Does it need to be seconded? Is it debatable? Can it be amended? What vote is required? What is the purpose of the motion?

27 Mock Parli Pro  Need President/Chairman Secretary 3 other officers/members  Must carry out the following motions Main motion Amendment Point of order Division of the house Refer to a committee Adjourn

28 Public Speaking Assignment  Prepare a 3-5 minute speech that addresses agriscience and the biotechnology industry. Find a current biotechnology issue and present a speech about that topic. A list of possible topics will be provided. BE CREATIVE!! Scoresheet from National Prepared Public Speaking will be used to grade.

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