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WINKS 7 Tutorial 7 – Advanced Topic: Labels and Formats Permission granted for use for instruction and for personal use. © Alan C. Elliott,

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1 WINKS 7 Tutorial 7 – Advanced Topic: Labels and Formats Permission granted for use for instruction and for personal use. © Alan C. Elliott, 2015

2 Define variable labels and format VARIABLE LABEL -- A "Variable Label" is an alternate (and usually more explanatory) description of a variable. For example, a label for AGE might be "AGE in 1990," and for ID, "Identification Number." A Label makes the output more readable. VARIABLE FORMAT - A "Variable Format" is a series of labels describing categories. For example, for the variable ANSWER with values 0 and 1. Define 0=”No" and 1="Yes." When output is generated, No and Yes are used rather than the cryptic 0 and 1. texasoft.com2

3 Step 1: Open File to Change Open QUESTIONS.SDA. Click on the Attributes tab. The following screen is displayed. Note the last 2 columns -- Label and Formats. texasoft.com3 Note Label and Formats Columns

4 Step 2: Define Labels To define a label for ID, click on the Label cell on the same row as ID, and enter Identification. For AGE enter AGE in 2011. You could also enter labels for the GENDER and Q1 through Q20 if desired. The Q# variables are the answers to 20 Yes-No questions on a survey. texasoft.com4 Note labels added

5 Step 3: Define Formats To define a format for Q1, click on the Formats column, Q1 row in the Attributes grid. The following screen appears: texasoft.com5

6 In the text box next to label "IF Q1 = " enter the number 1. Next to the label "then assign label =" enter No. Click the button "Add category label to list," and the format description “1 = No” appears in the large text box. texasoft.com6

7 Similarly, enter the number 2 next to "IF Q1 =" and Yes next to "then assign label =" and click the button "Add category label to list," and the format 2 = Yes appears in the large text box. Click the Continue button to assign this format to the Q1 variable. texasoft.com7

8 Step 4: Assign to Many Variables Assign the same format to a number of variables. Click on the format for Q1, and the dialog box appears, with the defined format 1 = No 2 = Yes in the large text box. To assign this same format to the other questions, click on the button "Apply current format to a list of variables." texasoft.com8

9 The dialog box changes to the following: texasoft.com9

10 Step 5: Select variables from the left text box list. In this case select Q2 through Q20. You can use the Ctrl or Shift to select multiple variables at a time. For example, click on Q2, hold down Shift, then click on Q20 to select Q2 through Q20. texasoft.com10 Selected variables

11 Step 6: Click on the "APPLY TO SELECTED" button. You are notified that the format has been applied to the select variables. texasoft.com11 Click APPLY TO SELECTED

12 Step 7: Click Continue. The attributes screen appears. Verify that the format has been copied to the selected variable rows. texasoft.com12 Note that formats have been assigned (the information is in program code… not meant for you to read it.)

13 Step 8: Click the Data tab at the bottom of the screen. Note that the format does NOT change any values in the data sheet. However, when you perform an analysis (Such as a frequency) the format names will appear. For example, select the menu option Analyze/ Crosstabs, Frequencies, Chi-Square/ Frequencies and specify the variables Q1 through Q20. The following (abbreviated) output is displayed: texasoft.com13

14 Frequency Table for Q1 Cumulative Cumulative Q1 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent ----------------------------------------------------------- NO 40 80.0 40 80.0 YES 10 20.0 50 100.0 Frequency Table for Q2 Cumulative Cumulative Q2 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent ----------------------------------------------------------- NO 48 96.0 48 96.0 YES 2 4.0 50 100.0 Etc… Notice that the format for the answers for the "Q" variables are displayed as Yes and No rather than 1 and 2. texasoft.com14 Note that assigned formats where used…

15 Changing Program Options During the initial program setup, the “Select Program Options” dialog is shown. You can also display and change these options at any time by choosing “Change Setup Options” from the Help menu. texasoft.com15

16 Brief explanations of the program options Default comparison type: For analysis of variance, this selects the default multiple comparison procedure used. (You can also select comparison type when selecting variables for an analysis. See Part 4, One-Way ANOVA.) Show hypotheses: causes additional information to be displayed for many analyses including the hypothesis tested, write-up suggestions, and comments. Append output: causes output from each analysis to be appended to the end of the previous analysis. Otherwise, the results of an analysis are cleared in the output viewer before the results of the current analysis is displayed. Continues…. texasoft.com16

17 Program options…. Display outliers: causes default box and whiskers plots to include indications for outliers. Display balloon helps: Causes yellow “help” boxes to display when checked (or not when not checked) for icon options on main menu page Default data directory: If you do not want your data stored in the default data directory, enter a new directory path here and examples files will be copied to the new location. texasoft.com17

18 Which Edition, BASIC or PROFESSIONAL? Which WINKS Edition is best for you? WINKS SDA BASIC Edition: provides commonly used data analysis procedures for researchers, analysts and students – statistical procedures usually covered in a one-semester college course. See the Reference Guide Contents, Part 4 (BASIC Edition Procedures) for a list of procedures included in the BASIC Edition. WINKS SDA PROFESSIONAL Edition: includes all of the BASIC features plus advanced statistical procedures. See the Reference Guide Contents, Part 5 (Professional Edition Features) for a list of procedures included in the PROFESSIONAL Edition. texasoft.com18

19 Ordering WINKS To order WINKS SDA, go to the website (and click on the Purchase button) To get a copy of this document, other WINKS tutorials, and a link to the full WINKS Reference Guide, click on the Tutorials button from the main TexaSoft webpage. Instructors, click on the Instructors tab for more information about using WINKS in your classroom. texasoft.com19

20 This material is from the WINKS Getting Started Tutorials, available on WINKS SDA 7 Statistical Data Analysis and Graphs "Windows KwikStat" Getting Started Guide, Version 7 (Covering BASIC and PROFESSIONAL Editions of WINKS) Permission granted for use for instruction and for personal use. © Alan C. Elliott, 2015

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