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School-Wide Expectations Sunridge Middle School Home of the BRONCS!

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Presentation on theme: "School-Wide Expectations Sunridge Middle School Home of the BRONCS!"— Presentation transcript:

1 School-Wide Expectations Sunridge Middle School Home of the BRONCS!


3 Student Incentives Staff members may give you a BRONC DOLLAR for demonstrating good behavior Bronc Dollars can be turned-in for drawings and prizes!


5 Our School-Wide Rules Are: Be Prompt

6 Be Prepared

7 Be Productive

8 Be Respectful

9 Be Responsible

10 School-Wide Expectations Apply to all areas of the campus Classrooms Classrooms Bus and Car Pick-Up Bus and Car Pick-Up Hallways Hallways Library and Computer Labs Library and Computer Labs Restrooms Restrooms Main Office Main Office Physical Education Physical Education Lunch Activity Lunch Activity Commons Commons

11 Classroom Expectations PromptPreparedProductive RespectfulResponsible  Arrive on time with a good attitude  Be ready to learn!  Have all needed materials  Have assignments ready to turn-in  Stay engaged and complete your work  Turn-in your work  Enter quietly  Listen when others speak  Raise your hand  Follow the rules  Take care of all materials  Clean-up after yourself

12 Bus & Car Pick-Up PromptPreparedProductive RespectfulResponsible  Get materials from locker quickly  Be at the bus line or parent pick- up on-time  Remember to take homework home  Be ready to go when school is out  Have all personal items with you at all times  Move out of the building quickly  Wait in your designated area  Walk  Keep hands & feet to yourself  Wait your turn in line  Know your after school plans  Follow adult directions

13 Hallways PromptPreparedProductive RespectfulResponsible  Get to where you are going on time  Have needed supplies and assignments from locker  Have a pass or signed planner  Go to class!  Walk facing forward  Keep hands and feet to yourself  Use quiet voices  Stay to the right  Keep your locker organized and CLEAN

14 Library and Computer Lab PromptPreparedProductive RespectfulResponsible  Arrive with your class  Be there for all instructions  Have library materials to be returned  Arrive with a great attitude!  Stay on- task  Help others  Use your time wisely  Listen to instruction s  Use quiet voices  Return materials to their location  Take care of materials  Only use approved computer sites  Report problems

15 Restrooms PromptPreparedProductive RespectfulResponsible  Be quick - return to class promptly  Get permission to use the restroom from teacher  If possible, go to the bathroom during passing- time  Give people privacy  Use quiet voices  Wait your turn  Flush toilets  Wash your hands  Put trash away  Report problems

16 Commons PromptPreparedProductive RespectfulResponsible  Arrive to lunch on- time with your class  Eat during designated times  Bring lunch money or sack lunch from locker  Bring jacket for outside activity  Put supplies in cubbies  Eat only your own food  Wash your hands before lunch  Be willing to help others  Use quiet voices  Use good manners  Wait your turn in line  Keep your space clean and food off of the floor  Follow adult directions

17 Main Office PromptPreparedProductive RespectfulResponsible  Return to class promptly  Get permission to go to the office from teacher  Stay in the front of the office unless directed elsewhere  Try to go to the office during passing- time, lunch, or before/after school  Use a quiet voice  Patiently wait your turn  Use ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You’  Clearly state your reason for coming to the office  Stay seated

18 Lunch Activity PromptPreparedProductive RespectfulResponsible  Stop all activities when the whistle blows  Line up when asked to do so  Be to class on-time after lunch  Keep all food and drinks in the Commons  Bring a jacket or coat in colder weather  Play all games fairly  Stay within the boundaries  Be ready to help others  Keep hands and feet to yourself  Share equipment  Use appropriate language  Use equipment properly  Return equipment  Follow adult directions  Walk to/from lunch activity

19 Gym PromptPreparedProductive RespectfulResponsible  Arrive on- time with a good attitude  Be in line when attendance is taken  Have PE clothes and proper shoes  Be ready to exercise!  Move safely  Share equipment  Be a team- player and encourage others  Wait your turn  Respect your neighbor’s space  Use appropriate language  Follow adult directions  Put equipment away

20 Lockers Keep it locked at all times! Keep it locked at all times! Only use YOUR assigned locker Only use YOUR assigned locker Keep your combination a secret! Keep your combination a secret! Locker decorations are limited to the inside of the locker (no writing or stickers) Locker decorations are limited to the inside of the locker (no writing or stickers) Leave the valuables at home! Leave the valuables at home!

21 Lockers (continued) Drinks ONLY in clear containers Drinks ONLY in clear containers Energy drinks have no place in school and will be taken away Energy drinks have no place in school and will be taken away Lockers are the property of the school and are subject to searches

22 Dress Appropriately! Clothing/jewelry that reflects alcohol, tobacco, controlled substances or references inappropriate behavior will not be allowed Clothing/jewelry that reflects alcohol, tobacco, controlled substances or references inappropriate behavior will not be allowed Students are discouraged from wearing tank tops – shoulder width of at least two inches Students are discouraged from wearing tank tops – shoulder width of at least two inches Be sure your clothes fit! No saggy pants or holes above mid thigh– undergarments must be covered Be sure your clothes fit! No saggy pants or holes above mid thigh– undergarments must be covered Hats only before and after school Hats only before and after school Keep the pajamas and slippers at home Keep the pajamas and slippers at home

23 Dress (continued) Shorts and skirts must completely cover your mid-thigh Shorts and skirts must completely cover your mid-thigh Write on your assignments, not on your body or a friend’s body Write on your assignments, not on your body or a friend’s body Extreme hair and piercings are not allowed if they disrupt teaching and learning in any way Extreme hair and piercings are not allowed if they disrupt teaching and learning in any way Students wearing inappropriate clothing will be referred to the office and asked to change. Parents may be contacted Students wearing inappropriate clothing will be referred to the office and asked to change. Parents may be contacted

24 Cell Phones/Electronic Devices With teacher permission and when used for educational purposes, cell phones are allowed in a classroom. Otherwise, cell phones need to be off and kept in lockers until 2:40. –School administration may hold a cell phone until a parent is able to pick it up –Administration reserves the right to keep and hold a student’s cell phone until the end of the school-year

25 Not Happening Here; Police May Be Contacted Drugs, Drug Paraphernalia, Weapons Drugs, Drug Paraphernalia, Weapons Bullying & Harassment Bullying & Harassment Physical Contact Physical Contact Sexual Harassment Sexual Harassment Gang Affiliation and Behavior Gang Affiliation and Behavior Tell an adult if you see or hear any of the above behavior – safety is EVERYONE’S BUSINESS!

26 Listen to ALL staff Staff Include Staff Include –Teachers –Classroom Assistants –Office Staff –Cafeteria Workers –Custodians –Counselor –Assistant Principal –Principal

27 Follow ALL School Expectations Consequences for non-compliance: Consequences for non-compliance: –Referral to ISD –Parent Contact –Office Referral –Loss of Privileges (Lunch ISD) –In School Suspension –Suspension

28 Who Do I Talk to When I Need Help? Any adult on campus

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