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Pyramids Numbers, Biomass, & Productivity. FOOD CHAINS AND PYRAMIDS Pyramid diagrams give information about the organisms in a food chain: numbers of.

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Presentation on theme: "Pyramids Numbers, Biomass, & Productivity. FOOD CHAINS AND PYRAMIDS Pyramid diagrams give information about the organisms in a food chain: numbers of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pyramids Numbers, Biomass, & Productivity

2 FOOD CHAINS AND PYRAMIDS Pyramid diagrams give information about the organisms in a food chain: numbers of organisms biomass of organisms energy stored in organisms productivity of organisms

3 Pyramid diagrams are drawn to scale the width of each rectangle is proportional to: the number of organisms per square meter or the biomass in grams per square meter or the productivity in joules per square meter per month/year

4 Pyramid of Numbers The information collected for each trophic level is the total number of organisms in the area, which depends on: the size of individual organisms the standing crop at the trophic level Problem is each organism is counted equally. 1000 kg tree = 1 gram grass plant Units = organisms Number pyramid diagrams may be: upright pyramids inverted pyramids

5 Pyramid of Biomass Takes the total biomass of all organisms at each trophic level in the area, and depends on: the energy available at each trophic level the standing crop at each trophic level Problem it is a measure in one instant of time Unit = grams Biomass pyramid diagrams may be: upright pyramids inverted pyramids

6 Pyramid of Productivity These show productivity of organisms at different trophic levels, which depends on: the energy available from the previous trophic level the efficiency of the organisms Unit = joules Designed to eliminate the inverted pyramid

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