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Ch. 1 Sec. 3 Measurement. Scientific Notation  Expressing a value as the product of a number between 1 & 10 and a power of 10 Makes very large or small.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 1 Sec. 3 Measurement. Scientific Notation  Expressing a value as the product of a number between 1 & 10 and a power of 10 Makes very large or small."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 1 Sec. 3 Measurement

2 Scientific Notation  Expressing a value as the product of a number between 1 & 10 and a power of 10 Makes very large or small numbers easier 300,000,000  3.0 x 10 8 0.0000765  7.65 x 10 -5  Decimal is placed after first non zero #  Spaces counted to give you the exponent 34,000  0.0000657  5.06 x 10 5  8.95 x 10 -3 

3 Adding and Subtracting Sci Notation  Add or subtract the numbers (3 x 10 -4 ) + (6 x 10 -4 )  (3+9)  9 x 10 -4 (8.5 x 10 7 ) – (2.3 x 10 7 )  (8.5 – 2.3)  6.2 x 10 7

4 Multiplying & Dividing Sci Notation  Multiply numbers  Add or Subtract exponents  (2 x 10 3 )(4 x 10 2 ) (2x6) & (10 3+2 ) 8 x 10 5  (9 x 10 8 ) / (3 x 10 3 ) (9/3) & (10 8-3 ) 3 x 10 5

5 SI Units  Units Describe a number  Base Units QuantityUnitSymbol LengthMeterM MassKilogramKg TempKelvinK TimeSecondS

6 SI Units  Derived Units QuantityUnitSymbol AreaSquare meter m2m2 VolumeCubic meterm3m3 DensityKilograms/ cubic meter Kg/m 3 EnergyJoule (kg. m 2 /s 2 ) J

7 Metric Prefixes PrefixSymbolMeaningMultiply unit by KilokThousand (10 3 ) 1000 DecidTenth (10 -1 )0.1 CenticHundreth (10 -2 ) 0.01 MillimThousandth (10 -3 ) 0.001

8 Conversion Factor  Ratio of equivalent measurements 45 m _______ = ______km 3 kg ________ = ______mg

9 Precision  Gauge of exact measurement  Use of significant figures More figures = more exact 5:30 or 5:30.15 Ran the 100 in 12 or 12.12

10 Significant Figures: Rules  All digits in known measurement  1) Non-zero digits are always significant.  2) Any zeros between two significant digits are significant.  3) A final zero or trailing zeros in the decimal portion ONLY are significant.

11 Significant Fig. Practice  1) 3.0800  2) 0.00418  3) 7.09 x 10 5  4) 91,600  5) 0.003005  6) 3.200  7) 250  8) 780,000,000  9) 0.0101  10) 0.00800

12 Accuracy  Closeness of a measurement to the actual value

13 Temperature  Fahrenheit o F = 9/5( o C) + 32  Celsius o C = 5/9( o F – 32)  Kelvin (base unit) K = o C +273

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