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March 2008 Davidson | Dan Yakir, Environmental Sciences Ma Bo’er?

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1 March 2008 Davidson | Dan Yakir, Environmental Sciences Ma Bo’er?

2 March 2008 Davidson |

3 March 2008 Davidson |

4 March 2008 Davidson | Stefan Boltzman’s Law: B (Wm -2 )=  T 4

5 March 2008 Davidson | Black body temp -62˚C ! Black body temp -42˚C ! Black body temp -18˚C !

6 March 2008 Davidson | CO2 declined over geological time as…

7 March 2008 Davidson | …our current mild climate was shaped

8 March 2008 Davidson |

9 March 2008 Davidson |

10 March 2008 Davidson | 2 ppm/y vs 100 pm/my X20,000 natural rate !

11 March 2008 Davidson | Trajectory of Global Fossil Fuel Emissions Raupach et al. 2007, PNAS 50-year constant growth rates to 2050 B1 1.1%, A1B 1.7%, A2 1.8% A1FI 2.4% Observed 2000-2006 3.3% 2006 2005

12 19601970198019902000 310 320 340 360 370 380 Carbon Dioxide Concentration (ppmv) 2007 330 350 390

13 March 2008 Davidson |

14 March 2008 Davidson |

15 March 2008 Davidson | The temperature/CO2 sensitivity question 10C /100ppm in Antarctica ~5C/100ppm global ~1C/100ppm IPPC IPCC==> ~3C in a century

16 March 2008 Davidson | 19922005 2003-2005

17 March 2008 Davidson | 2005 Larsen Ice shelf collapse

18 March 2008 Davidson | 2005 Larsen Ice shelf collapse

19 March 2008 Davidson | McCarty Glacier, Alaska

20 Sea-level rise

21 March 2008 Davidson | Greenland = West Antarctica = Total for 6m rise = ~ 6 m sea level ~235milion people

22 March 2008 Davidson |

23 Florida’s coast if Greenland OR the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Melted

24 March 2008 Davidson | Alaska beach, 2107? Question of timing… Beetle “fire”…

25 March 2008 Davidson | The turnover time issue: fast in, slow out… (of the atmosphere) 500 ppm CO2 = Different planet Decay of pulse CO2: 100 years => 33% 500 years => 22% 1000 years => 19%

26 March 2008 Davidson | Ma Bo’er? 500 ppm CO2 = Different planet ! Decay of pulse CO2: 100 years => 33% 500 years => 22% 1000 years => 19%

27 March 2008 Davidson | 4.0 + Atmosphere 1.9 + Ocean 2.4 Land 8.3 = Emission The current budget: 50% discount: Things can move much faster… All in billion tons of carbon (Gt C or 10 15 g C)

28 March 2008 Davidson |

29 March 2008 Davidson | Fluxnet: A global project: Dry sites, such as Yatir, are greatly under represented in the network…

30 March 2008 Davidson |

31 March 2008 Davidson | The Yatir Forest

32 March 2008 Davidson | Rain (mm)Carbon (t/ha) Yatir forest: 2902.3 (up to 3.5) Fluxnet (global): ~800 (500-2000) 2.6 t/ha

33 March 2008 Davidson | 13 C derived WUE: feedback from high CO 2 ? ~25% increase in WUE, in dry sites

34 March 2008 Davidson | Below ground… The microbes and the N Back in the lab Pioneer Stable isotopes Ecophysiology ISF, EU, BMBF, MOE, KKL… Where is the water Tree rings Running the show Peace of mind

35 March 2008 Davidson |

36 March 2008 Davidson |

37 March 2008 Davidson | … No escape

38 What can you do?

39 March 2008 Davidson | PAR top  PAR top  SWR top  LWR top  Net radiometer top SWR top  PAR t Diffuse radiation

40 March 2008 Davidson | Habitat loss Species extinction Coral bleaching

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