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Buoyancy and Archimedes Principle Conceptual Physics Text Correlation: Section 19.2, 19.3 32.

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1 Buoyancy and Archimedes Principle Conceptual Physics Text Correlation: Section 19.2, 19.3 32



4 Question 1 In Figure 19.6, will the difference in forces be greater if the block is deeper? Answer: No. Although the force vectors will be greater at greater depths, the difference in forces will be the same.

5 Question 2 In Figure 19.10, will the reading on the scale be different if the block is suspended deeper in the water? Answer: No, like the answer to the previous question, the difference in forces, and hence the buoyant force will depend only on the weight of water displaced.

6 Question 3 Is it the weight of the block or its volume that produces the displacement of water. Answer: The volume of the block dictates the volume of water displaced. Of course the weight plays an indirect role, in that a heavier block of the same material has a greater volume. But 1 cubic unit of lead displaces the same water as 1 cubic unit of aluminum.

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