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Welcome All to Finding out about our Self Assessment.

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1 Welcome All to Finding out about our Self Assessment

2 P6a Self Assessment Completed at the end of each week

3 Our comments on the self Assessment Shannon – It also helps my work the following week Caseymay – When the teacher reads it she’ll know the work you have enjoyed Riece – It is like a miniature report Michael – The people at home get to see what you have been like in the week Liam M – It’s a good idea because you can earn more points Nicole – It is good because your writing down how your work has been all week Cameron – For your Mum and Dad to see what you have to work on John – When you write your targets it helps you be better the next week Shaun – It helps you remember What you did At the beginning of the week and what you can work on the next week Conor -I think it gives your parents a hint of what your report is going to be like Paula-I think that doing the self assessment is a good idea because when the teacher looks at it she can tell if you are being honest or not Kayleigh-

4 How do we know what to write? Look through your jotters Maths, Language, Writing, Handwriting, Spelling, Topic, R.E then read the teachers comments. We also Check The number of stamps we have earned

5 What I learned this week We write mostly everything down that we have learned this week We describe what we learned as well We write down what work we have completed on that week

6 Spelling assessment We do a spelling test at the end of every week The teacher says a definition of a word and we have to write the word down with the correct spelling

7 What I Enjoyed This Week We Write what we enjoyed this week and why we enjoyed it We normally write 4 or more things that we enjoy Like this for example, This week I enjoyed my spelling because I learnt new words that I didn’t even heard about

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