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Group Developments Timeline Problem Statement Background Costumer Scope Deliverables Brainstorming Research & Generate Ideas Criteria Constraints Explore.

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Presentation on theme: "Group Developments Timeline Problem Statement Background Costumer Scope Deliverables Brainstorming Research & Generate Ideas Criteria Constraints Explore."— Presentation transcript:


2 Group Developments Timeline Problem Statement Background Costumer Scope Deliverables Brainstorming Research & Generate Ideas Criteria Constraints Explore Possibilities Selecting an Approach Design Proposal Prototype Test & Monitor Refine Lessons Learned Summary Bibliography

3 Roles and Responsibilities: Courtney Leader Kartikey Sarah Scribes Jon Ko Time Keeper

4 Team Constitution Respectful to ideas and everyone Must do work Help in building process Stay on task and focus Stay positive Effective Group

5 Kept us on task


7 Roadrunner Trucking → a lot of aluminum cans Aluminum cans must be reduced by 70% $0.05 fine per can

8 Mr. Pritchard -ITC instructor Roadrunner Trucking -company we give product to

9 Outputs Can Crusher Tech Report Power Point Resources Internet Mr. Pritchard- Tech Miss Hernacki- Math Calculations Mr. Hund- CAD Drawings

10 Potential Materials Wood PVC Metal brackets Metal hinges Nails and screws

11 Key Constraints Max space of 18”×24”×30” One simple machine One unit Manually operated Bin must hold 20 uncrushed cans

12 Can Crusher Tech Report Power Point presentation

13 Materials Size Type of can crusher

14 Materials  Wood, metal hinges, screws and nails Size of wood  ½”-2” thick Type of can crusher  Self-loading with lever

15 Self-loading Inexpensive Simple Not time consuming Reliable

16 Max of 18” x 24” x 30” Materials: wood, PVC, metal brackets, metal hinges, screw & nails One simple machine Crushed can falls into aluminum can bin Bin slides in and out of crusher Bin holds 20 uncrushed cans

17 1. Kartikey’s Design Pros(+)Cons(-) SimpleUsed incline plain wrong Dimensioned wellNo thickness Self-loading Requires a lot of input force

18 2. Courtney’s Design Pros(+)Cons(-) Multi-view and isometric drawings not dimensioned well Follows all size constraintsNo bin Very neatLever too complicated and would not work

19 3. Sarah’s Design Pros(+)Cons(-) Aluminum can bin is really tall (all space will be taken up Bin may tip over when crushing a can Follows all constraintscomplex Very neatNot self-loading Uses a lot of material

20 4. Jon Ko’s Design Pros(+)Cons(-) DetailedConfusing Good dimensionsMaterials used are expensive Followed most constraintsAluminum can bin does not slide in and out

21 Design Criteria Potential Designs Kartikey’s Design Courtney’s Design Sarah’s Design Jon Ko’s Design Self-loading5113 Inexpensive4333 Reliable4135 Quick to build 4333 Simple5333 Ease of use3234 Total25131621

22 Method of Bonding Parts Criteria Potential Bolts Hex Bolts Carriage Bolts Square Head Bolts Can be used with wrenches 51 3 Inexpensive44 4 Availability in store55 3 Total1410

23 Method of Bonding Criteria Potential Adhesives Wood GlueHot GlueSuper Glue Screws & nails Duct Tape Dries quickly45455 Inexpensive44353 Sticks to our material 42453 Ease of appliance31332 Cleanliness41341 Reliability42453 Total23152127 17

24 Nuts Criteria Potential Nuts Wing NutHex Nut Cap / Acorn Nut Inexpensive554 Ease of tightening / loosening555 Doesn’t waste space254 Can go anywhere on the bolt551 Availability of sizes in stores554 Total222518

25 CAD Drawings






31 Bill of Materials

32 Build Process  Obtain material  Trace outline of piece  Cut the material  Sand it  Drill holes  Any special cuts  Glue, nail, or screw pieces  Assemble

33 Test CriteriaHow TestedExpected resultsActual Results Reliability Crush a can, measuring size before and after crushed The can will be crushed to 70% of its original height Durability Crush a can, open and close the drawer of the bin that stores aluminum cans The aluminum can bin will slide in and out with ease Bin Must Hold 20 Crushed Cans Put 20 cans crushed in the bin All 20 cans will be crushed Self- Loading Put 3 cans into the self- loading mechanism and crush all three cans The crusher will be able to self- load appropriately without any complications Can Must End-up In Bin After Being Crushed Crush a can and see if it falls through the appropriate hole into the bin The can will fall through the hole into the bin

34 Build Process worked for Bin Build process did not work for crushing mechanism

35 Test Plan Test CriteriaHow TestedExpected resultsActual Results Reliability Crush a can, measuring size before and after crushed The can will be crushed to 70% of its original height The can was crushed to 1.5” Durability Crush a can, open and close the drawer of the bin that stores aluminum cans The aluminum can bin will slide in and out with ease The aluminum can bin slid in and out with ease Bin Must Hold 20 Crushed Cans Put 20 cans crushed in the bin All 20 cans will be crushed Bin could hold 20 cans Self- Loading Put 3 cans into the self- loading mechanism and crush all three cans The crusher will be able to self- load appropriately without any complications The self- loading mechanism held 3 cans Can Must End-up In Bin After Being Crushed Crush a can and see if it falls through the appropriate hole into the bin The can will fall through the hole into the bin The can fell into the bin with ease

36 Re-made lever pieces due to hex bolts Took out handle Made outside bin hole bigger Changed CAD drawings Flipped frame sides Re-made crushing block

37 Complete tasks without re- doing them Assign work evenly Use hand and power tools

38 Learned a lot about can crushers Procrastination Work as a team Stay positive Make decisions together

39 Bibliography l l crusher.html crusher.html homemade-can crusher.html homemade-can crusher.html pulleys.html pulleys.html

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