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Published byHector York Modified over 8 years ago
Hot Topics in SEN FWTSA SENCo Conference 2015 Kate Browning School Improvement for SEN 07969958036 @kate_browning2
Assessment without Levels The Challenge Freedom for schools to develop their own approaches to in-school assessment between key stages Returning the focus to the value of formative assessment Secure understanding of key ideas and concepts before moving on – Mastery for all…? Valuing ‘lateral progress’ – applying key skills with increasing independence across the curriculum. NB: No final decision yet regarding P Levels and Progression Guidance
AWL – articulating progress for low attaining pupils and those with SEND Assessment should: Be inclusive of all abilities Provide a view of the whole child Reflect the extent to which a pupil can apply their learning in a wider range of contexts Maintain high expectations Value progress from ‘age and starting points’ Contribute to early and accurate identification of need Reflect a personalised approach
In practice…formative assessment Considerations at the point of policy and practice What formative assessment methods and tools are we utilising that enable us to ensure pupils have a secure understanding of key ideas and concepts before moving on? e.g. rich questioning – observational assessment – Continuum of Assessment Are these formative assessment methods and tools inclusive of all abilities? e.g. practical application….discussion with parents… Are they Small Stepped enough? Are we checking whether pupils have demonstrated a secure understanding and can move on or if they require opportunities for lateral progression? Are we being rational around which formative assessment outcomes do and do not need to be recorded?
In practice … summative assessment Considerations at the point of policy and practice Are we utilising standardised assessment measures to help monitor and track progress at key points across the year for identified children e.g. termly / twice yearly Reading Age assessments Do our summative assessments and methods include meaningful ways of measuring wider aspects of pupils progress, for example: levels of independence, confidence attitude to learning behaviour social skills physical development resilience attendance
In practice … summative assessment Where and how to do we record these? How are we communicating this to parents / pupils? - Termly personal review formats -Learning Journals -Videos -Children’s own self-assessment review - Case Study BASKET OF MEASURES
In practice…further considerations Checking that, post NC level expectations of progress, we still maintain high expectations and aspirations for all pupils with SEN -No longer chasing a Level but much more meaningful outcomes i.e. Can they read? Can they tell the time? Can they make friends and play? To become confident with what ‘good progress’ looks like using a wider ‘Basket of Measures’ Using Moderation opportunities – range of evidence and consistency of judgements Policy: should outline how your school ensures teachers can accurately assess the progress, attainment and wider outcomes of pupils with SEND including those with complex needs?
The Common Inspection Framework Maintaining the focus on vulnerable groups including pupils with SEND Before making the final judgement on the overall effectiveness, inspectors must evaluate: the extent to which the education provided by the school meets the need of the range of pupils at the school including disabled pupils and pupils who have special educational needs School Inspection Handbook June 2015 p.33
Leadership and Management Culture of high expectations (for all) Rigour and accuracy of self-evaluation and how well it leads to planning that secures continual improvement How effectively leaders and governors track the progress of groups of pupils to ensure that none falls behind and underachieve, and how effectively governors holds them to account for this How well leaders engage with parents carers and other stakeholders and agencies to support all pupils How effectively leaders use additional funding including PP and measure its impact on outcomes for pupils and how effectively governors hold them to account for this. How leaders promote all forms of equality and foster greater understanding and respect.. Consider Set up termly meetings with SEN Governor Use the Annual SEN report for Governors SLT: expectations of progress Person Centred Planning approaches Confidently measuring the impact on outcomes of SEN Funding Recent revision of Equality Act duties
Leadership and Management Grade Descriptor: Outstanding Governors systematically challenge senior leaders so that the effective deployment of staff and resources including PP and SEN funding secures excellent outcomes for pupils. School Inspection Handbook June 2015 p.39
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Assessment information is used to plan appropriate teaching and learning strategies, including to identify pupils who are falling behind in their learning or who need additional support enabling pupils to make good progress and achieve well. How well teachers use assessment to establish pupils starting points.. How well assessment draws on a range of evidence of what pupils know, understand and can do across the curriculum Equality of opportunity and recognition of diversity are promoted through teaching and learning Teachers make consistent judgements about pupils’ progress and attainment.. Consider: Confidence with early identification of need through PP meetings Use of the Continuum of Assessment tools / methods – small stepped enough? Equality duties within PoS – Subject Leaders role Value Moderation exercises – between teachers / year groups / schools
Teaching, Learning and Assessment How well the school is identifying and tackling inconsistency in the quality of mathematics teaching between different groups of pupils… Decisions about when to progress should always be based on the security of pupils understanding and their readiness to progress to the next stage…Those who are not sufficiently fluent with earlier material should consolidate their understanding including through additional practice before moving on. School Inspection Handbook June 2015 p.45
Personal development, behaviour and welfare Absence and persistent absence rates for all pupils different groups in relation to national figures for all Exclusions – rates, patterns, reasons and differences between groups Views of pupils regarding behaviour Evaluate the experience on particular individuals and groups e.g. referrals to LA (how if was made and the thoroughness of the follow – up), disabled, LAC, SEN, mental health needs. Inspectors MUST look at a small sample of case studies about the experience of these pupils Checklist Absence / exclusion data part of termly self evaluation (including SEN Governor) Views of Pupils / Experience – use your SEN Governor?
Outcomes for Pupils Take account of current standards and progress including schools own performance information and make a judgement on academic and other learning outcomes for pupils by evaluating if pupils -Progress well from their starting points in terms of their prior attainment and age (most weight given to progress) -How this progress compares with the progress of recent cohorts, where relevant. -Impact of funded support on closing gaps in progress and attainment. The expectation is that the identification of SEN leads to additional or different arrangements and a consequent improvement in progress. Consider What will be in your ‘Basket of Measures’? Utilise Case Studies Over time, begin to compare progress across cohorts Can you demonstrate that SEN Support is leading to improvements in progress?
Outcomes for Pupils For pupils whose cognitive ability is such that attainment is unlikely to rise above ‘low’, the judgement on outcomes will be based on an evaluation of the pupils learning and progress relative to their starting points at different ages and any assessment measures the school holds. Differences in progress and attainment of pupils in resource based provision and those with similar starting points or who are SEN/D in the main school. Consider Maintain your comparison in progress between SEN and All
Outcomes for Pupils Grade Descriptor: Outstanding Progress across the curriculum of disadvantaged pupils, disabled pupils and those with special educational needs currently on roll matches or is improving towards that of other pupils with the same starting points. For those who have special educational needs, progress is above average across nearly all subject areas Pupils are exceptionally well prepared for their next stage of their education.. School Inspection Handbook June 2015 p.55
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