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ResRules Session 25 th August 2012. 1.4 Smoking: Smoking of any legal substance within 9 meters of any residence building. There are hundreds of smoke.

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Presentation on theme: "ResRules Session 25 th August 2012. 1.4 Smoking: Smoking of any legal substance within 9 meters of any residence building. There are hundreds of smoke."— Presentation transcript:

1 ResRules Session 25 th August 2012

2 1.4 Smoking: Smoking of any legal substance within 9 meters of any residence building. There are hundreds of smoke detectors in every residence at Queen’s and all can be triggered easily so as to ensure the highest level of safety for residents. Smoking within 9m of a residence building could trigger those alarms, often unnecessarily. Furthermore, if smoking occurs too close to residence buildings, it may travel into residents’ rooms and disturb them. It is thus inconsiderate and not respectful to do this. Unwelcoming atmosphere for people walking by

3 2.3 Damages: The wilful, malicious, or negligent destruction of public or private property in or around residences, including residence dining halls; actions effecting any mechanical, electrical or structural changes to a residence room or building; failure to uphold reasonable standards of cleanliness (e.g., common rooms, washrooms, hallways, etc.) The cost and time it takes to restore these damages or clean these places is time and money that could have been used for other programs and services that could benefit residents/ residents could enjoy. It is incredibly disrespectful and inconsiderate to damage any residence building, considering that it is a place where hundreds or thousands of other students are living in as well. More unneccesary work for facilities Outside of residence, this could be vandalism and is illegal.

4 Fill in 2 of the 3 blanks 2.8a Alcohol Quantity: Possessing large quantities of alcohol exceeding the volume of ___ beer cans, or ___ tall cans, or ____ ounces of liquor, or 1 litre of wine. Possession of any containers of alcohol exceeding one litre (e.g. kegs or mini-kegs.) 24 12 26

5 What kind of questions should you begin an interview with? (it’s one word) “Open” Questions

6 What are the two “Never do’s” when it comes to Interviewing NEVER blame the system NEVER threaten the student

7 Out of Body Language, Paralanguage, and Verbal communication, which of the 3 counts the most towards communication ? (according to the interview skills session) Body Language (55%) Verbal – 7% Paralanguage (38%)

8 Name any 1 of the take-home messages that are the basis of the ResRules ResRules are in place to address unsafe and unwelcoming behaviour that may have a detrimental effect on the building and maintaining of a positive, safe, welcoming, and inclusive community. The safety and security of every student is the responsibility of everyone in the residence community. Residence is a community that values mutual respect of the rights, responsibilities, dignity, wellbeing, and academic pursuits of all members.

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