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ENTER The Clil4U project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "ENTER The Clil4U project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENTER The Clil4U project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

2 CommunityContent Competence Cognition Communication TOPIC PLANACTIVITIES LANGUAGE OF/FOR LEARNING

3 IHC-Programming (Intelligent House Control / Domotics) is part of an electricians’ vocational training. Back to Overview

4 The module is a stand-alone module for electricians, but is also a follow-up of the Domotics module. Domotics module The learners will learn how to program an IHC system with input, output, blocks and simple IHC scenarios. They will understand where an IHC system may be used and where a more “advanced” KNX system should be installed. Back to Overview

5 The Learners will listen to a presentation of IHC, followed by reading authentic technical documents (from Schneider Electrics) and written (online) instructions. Memorize key vocabulary and apply it in different ways as part of instructions and descriptions. The Learners will need to know the language structure of instructions, they will be working in pairs following online instructions and using these to carry out actual programming. Where needed the teacher(s) will assist the students with language scaffolding. Main scaffolding is the use of online texts where all words are linked to free dictionaries, e.g. Some other Scaffolding Techniques will be used during the lessons to help the students.scaffolding Techniques After the programming sequence there will be work on grammar, based on “the Dirty Dozen”, i.e. errors extracted from the language spoken during the task. Back to Overview

6 The Learners will use and acquire several Cognitive Skills.Cognitive Skills They will: Understand the basics of coding an IHC-control system Apply their knowledge and encode simple room solutions like tilting/breakover relay, PIR, light sensor, and temperature control Evaluate suitability of deploying an IHC system compared to more simple solutions. Through the activities, use both HOTS & LOTS – Higher Order Thinking Skills & Lower Order Thinking Skills, see Bloom’s Wheel, i.e. from understanding through applying to evaluation of the system.HOTS & LOTS Bloom’s Wheel Back to Overview

7 After the scenario, the students will: Understand the IHC system. Know how to install the IHC software Be able to code IHC blocks with input and output Know how to run the resulting IHC blocks in a simulation Be able to decide where IHC is a suitable solution based on economy and functions Back to Overview

8 The intelligent control systems for homes and offices are now becoming more popular and “less” expensive. The owners and buyers of new home/office facilities expect a modern electrical system which includes installations that ensure temperature control, automatic lighting, burglar alarms and smoke detectors, amongst others. Back to Overview

9 RememberUnderstandApplyAnalyzeEvaluateCreate Higher Order Thinking Skills - HOTS Lower Order Thinking Skills - LOTS Back to Cognition

10 Learning Behaviours Back to OverviewBack to Cognition We have to remember a concept before we can understand it. We have to understand a concept before we can apply it. We have to be able to apply a concept before we analyze it. We have to analyze a concept before we can evaluate it. We have to remember, understand, apply, analyze, and evaluate a concept before we can create.

11 Bloom’s Wheel Back to Cognition Back to Overview


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