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Building Bridges through Fall Orientation Greg Jefford – Campus Life Coordinator First Year Experience Office, Carleton University.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Bridges through Fall Orientation Greg Jefford – Campus Life Coordinator First Year Experience Office, Carleton University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Bridges through Fall Orientation Greg Jefford – Campus Life Coordinator First Year Experience Office, Carleton University

2 Presentation Outline Background Goals The Event: “Ravenspalooza” Partners Plans and Budget Results 2007 plans

3 BACKGROUND 2004 – Residence students attended basketball game during move in weekend 2005 – First Year Experience Office (FYEO) launched in June with mandate that focuses on transitional support and student engagement 2005 – Student association were unwilling to plan joint orientation events 2005 – FYEO provided alternative orientation week that included an athletics open house 2006 – Spirit committee was formed to determine events that could enhance campus pride 2006 – Recommendation to involve key stakeholders in planning fall orientation welcome event with hub of activity in athletics complex–FYEO oversees event 2006 – Ravenspalooza committee was formed in May, which brought 14 campus stakeholders together to start planning first ever “Ravenspalooza”

4 GOALS Create a memorable event to welcome class of 2010 to Carleton University Raise campus pride among first year students Introduce first-year students to Carleton’s athletic facilities and programs Build and enhance on-campus partnerships for future collaborative efforts

5 The Event – “Ravenspalooza” Official launch of fall orientation week High spirited, activity filled evening Event included a tailgate bbq, athletic fair and demonstrations, pep rally, basketball game, alternative events and a much music video dance party

6 PLANS – Committee Committee met every three weeks – 22 members Started with committee membership/partners, proposed timeline and cost sharing proposal Seven sub-committees formed with team leaders – goal to plan each specific program and website promotion Sub-committee team leaders provided report at each committee meeting with detailed plans and progress

7 PARTNERS First Year Experience OfficeHousing and Conference Services Athletics and Recreation EngFrosh University CommunicationsRadical Frosh Alumni AssociationUniversity Services Students AssociationInternational Student Services Office Residence Association Risk Management Office of the Associate VPCampus Safety (Student and Academic Support Services)

8 PLANS – Ravenspalooza Timeline 5:00 pm BBQ Tailgate Party and Athletic Fair 6:00 pmAthletic Demonstrations 7:00 pmPep Rally 8:00 pmBasketball Game 8:00 pmAlternative programming (skating, swimming, culture show) 10:00 pmMuch Music Video Dance Party

9 BUDGET Cost sharing plan included 12/14 partners Sub-committees sought sponsorship for prizes and giveaways Athletics donation of space and game tickets led to other partners offering support for event $11,970 of hard costs came out of office budgets $21,200 of soft costs including sponsorship


11 RAVENSPALOOZA! Tailgate/Athletic Fair


13 RAVENSPALOOZA! Demonstrations






19 RAVENSPALOOZA! Basketball Game








27 RESULTS - Students Over 58% of all first year students (2300) participated in Ravenspalooza, making this the most well attended non-academic event in the University’s History. 110 students paid a membership fee on site for student spirit club (Red Zone) Capacity crowd of over 2,000 students watched a Ravens basketball game The Charlatan, Carleton’s student newspaper carried substantial coverage of Ravenspalooza noting the event a success Student survey recognized benefit of collaboration

28 Ravenspalooza  58.5% of respondents indicated that they attended at least one of the Ravenspalooza activities Attendance at Ravenpalooza Events Did you attend any part of Ravenspalooza? Which Ravenspalooza events did you attend?

29 Involvement in Orientation Activities – Student Association’s Orientation program Please indicate which, if any of the following Orientation Week events you attended.

30 Involvement in Orientation Activities – FYEO Please indicate which, if any of the following Orientation Week events you attended.

31 RESULTS - Athletics In 2006, Student participation in Recreation and Athletic programs increased a staggering 75% “It should be noted that Ravenspalooza had a very positive impact on the number of students registering in our programs. The fact that the Palooza participants were freshman should keep our numbers healthy for the next few years as this cohort goes through to graduation” Quote from Athletics Report – 2006/2007

32 RESULTS - Athletics Revenue from Fitness/Aquatics program fees in the month of September increased 30% Student attendance at Ravens basketball games increased 200% in 2006/2007 Individual registrations for intramural programs increased by 77% Successful results of event and visible increase in campus spirit was a factor in Athletics decision to partner with University of Ottawa for inaugural Capital Hoops Classic. The event drew a record crowd of over 9,000 to Ottawa’s Scotiabank Place.

33 Results – What could we have done better? Developed more effective rain plan for tailgate party Limited options and time spent on alternative programs Had top of the line sound system for Pep Rally Worked with safety and volunteers on crowd control Prepared more effective communication plan for all events

34 CREDIT 14 Participating partners Athletics, Communications and FYEO partnership Sub-committee team leaders Over 500 Orientation Volunteers/Student Leaders

35 2007 – Plans in Progress All 14 partners unanimously agreed to return Budget/Sponsorship added as sub-committee Seeking potential title sponsor for event More student leaders involved in program 2 committee meetings, 7 sub-committee meetings already taken place

36 Greg Jefford (613)520-2600 x 2205 Questions?

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