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From The Earth to The Moon From The Earth to The Moon :: A Brief History About NASA’s Apollo 11 Mission July.20.1969.

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Presentation on theme: "From The Earth to The Moon From The Earth to The Moon :: A Brief History About NASA’s Apollo 11 Mission July.20.1969."— Presentation transcript:


2 From The Earth to The Moon From The Earth to The Moon :: A Brief History About NASA’s Apollo 11 Mission July.20.1969

3 From The Earth to The Moon The Apollo 11 Crew ::  Neil A. Armstrong  Micheal Collins  Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin

4 From The Earth to The Moon 3-2-1, Lift Off ::  Launched, 7.16.1969  The Apollo 11 mission blasted into space on the powerful Saturn rocket  Apollo 11 was launched from Kennedy Space Center in Florida

5 From The Earth to The Moon Skimming the Moon ::  This would be the third Apollo mission to enter the Moon’s orbit  It was also the second mission the lunar module would closely skim the Moon’s surface

6 From The Earth to The Moon Sea of Tranquility ::  Landed, 7.20.1969  Armstrong steps onto the Moon and becomes the first person in history to do so  America would win the space race to the Moon, which was a significant event during the Cold War Era

7 From The Earth to The Moon Earth on The Horizon ::  This was the view from the lunar module as it was landing  Mankind was no longer bound by the circles of the Earth

8 From The Earth to The Moon One Small Step ::  “That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind” – Neil Armstrong  Buzz Aldrin stepped onto the Moon shortly after Armstrong  They spent 21 hours on the Moon’s surface

9 From The Earth to The Moon On The Moon’s Surface ::  Buzz Aldrin poses for a photo taken by Neil Armstrong  Neil Armstrong stands alongside the U.S. flag, photo taken by Aldrin  The U.S. Flag is currently the only national flag on the surface of the Moon

10 From The Earth to The Moon Lunar Cargo ::  During their time on the surface, Armstrong and Aldrin collected samples and conducted simple experiments  The mission returned with 46 pounds of lunar rocks, stored in a makeshift cargo bay on the lunar module

11 From The Earth to The Moon Safe Return ::  Splashed down, 7.24.1969  A TV camera left behind on the Moon showed the lunar module docking with the command module, orbiting the Moon  The splash down was also seen on TV

12 From The Earth to The Moon The Legacy ::  A plaque was left behind on the Moon, that read “Here men from planet Earth set foot upon the Moon. July 1969 A.D. We came in peace for all Mankind”  A plaque from each mission was left behind on the Moon  Five more Apollo missions successfully landed on the Moon

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