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Superior surface quality control by deflectometry.

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Presentation on theme: "Superior surface quality control by deflectometry."— Presentation transcript:


2 Superior surface quality control by deflectometry

3 High quality surfaces are often evaluated visually


5 Visual Control Final Inspection Stamping Coatings Quality Assembly Components

6 Subjective Time Consuming Costly Lacks Traceability Not reliable – Monday morning vs. Friday afternoon! A real measurement system is required

7 Replace Subjectivity with Objective Measurement

8 Maps, measures and quantifies surface appearance quality Produces detailed full field 3D surface images Objectively measures surface curvature and texture Displays images in traceable SI units (m¯ 1 ) or in standard industrial scales Identifies and locates common surface defects Requires no movement over the surface Removes errors caused through subjective visual evaluation

9 Phase Stepped Deflectometry. A white light optical technique A periodic sinusoidal waveform is projected onto the surface and the reflected image captured. provides fast, full field, non contact surface measurement.

10 By phase stepping the pattern across the surface in both directions each point on the surface is spatially modelled to accurately calculate the curvature at each point. allowing the surface ordinates to be mapped. The pattern acts like a ruler across the surface

11 Consider a surface (green) compared to its normal shape An observer is unlikely to notice the gradual variation across the whole surface But will notice the sharp deviation Why

12 Altitude Slope Curvature Wavelength The second derivative of the surface produces a curvature profile which is more representative of what the human eye really sees

13 95 x 70mm Global surface curvature map

14 The Optimap analyses surface curvature according to its size. Displaying the results in ranges to simulate the resolution of the human eye at various distances. Valu e Wavelength Ka0.1 – 0.3mm Kb0.3 – 1.0mm Kc1.0 – 3.0mm Kd3.0 – 10mm Ke10 – 30mm


16 Identify and quantify common surface defects BlisteringOrange Peel

17 Identify and quantify common surface defects SaggingInclusions

18 Identify and quantify common surface defects Water StainOverspray

19 Replace Subjectivity with Objective Measurement

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