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THE MAKING OF THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION The American Constitutional Conference.

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3 The American Constitutional Conference

4 CONSITUTION (1789) timeless words & living principles **** Constitutional Convention (May, 1787 ) Continental Congress (1774~89) Articles of Confederation (1777) Colonist in the New World (Self-governing) Religious Reform * Mayflower Compact (1620) Magna Carta (1215) Bill of Rights (1791) Amendment 21st (1933) (repeal of Prohibition of alcoholic beverage) Amendment 26th (1971) (all citizens of 18 years or older have right to vote) Amendment 27th (1992) (no law shall take effect on the compensation of house service or compensation of service need a fresh election) Root of Constitution Common law (judge-made law) Law statutes BRITISH HERITAGE Virginia (1607) * * (primitive form of confederation) New England * * (Puritan/ May- flower Compact) Maryland * * (Catholic/freedom of worship) Pennsylvania ** (Quaker/church relation with government) COLONIAL HERITAGE (spirits of industrial self-reliance for later economic development) INTELLECTUALS HERITAGE religious reformation (away from Mid-Age church rules so as to break the tie with the secondary God - - the church) ideological introduction of intellectuals (philosophers + politicians) Thomas Hobbes (1588~1679) ** John Locke (1632~1704) * * Charles de Moutesquieu * (1689~1755) * Jean-Jacque Rousseau ** (1712~1778) Set the power of governing the country by 3 branches LEGISLATIVE (congress) Senate headed by Vice-President House of Representatives EXECUTIVE President appoints chief justice with consent/advice of Senate JUDICIAL Chief Justice Supreme Court 5 principles at the heart of that living Constitution Rule of law Republicanism Separation of powers Check & balance National Supremacy (Article VI) ** THE MAKING OF THE AMERECAN CONSTITUTION

5 The phrase derives from the line “And this be our motto, 'In God is our trust,'“ in the battle song that later became the U.S. national anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner.”* The phrase first appeared on U.S. coins in 1864 and became obligatory on all U.S. currency in 1955. In 1956 it was made the national motto by act of Congress.* In God We Trust National Motto of the United States

6 The United States Seal is the official seal of the U.S. government. The dominant figure is the American Eagle shown with its wings spread. The eagle carries in its beak a scroll on which appears the Latin motto E pluribus unum (“From many, one”). E pluribus unum is the United States motto, appearing on the nation's coins and paper money, and on many of its public monuments.

7 The Legislature can : The Executive can:The Judiciary can: Power of government legislative Judicial Make laws Confirm executive appointments (Senate) Override executive veto (2/3presented ) Executive Impeach Veto legislation Recommend legislation Enforce laws Grant Pardons Review legislative acts Review executive acts Issue injunctions Interpret Laws * * BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT

8 for the study of American Constitution useful website for more knowledge of American National Anthem useful website

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