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For internal use only Baby Boomers retire in next 17 years.

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1 For internal use only Baby Boomers retire in next 17 years

2 For internal use only Baby Boomers retire in next 17 years

3 For internal use only Huge Market ! Next 35 years !

4 For internal use only

5 40% 22% 38% Source: Employee Benefit Research Institute, 2007 Retirement Confidence Survey

6 For internal use only 14% 13% 72% Source: Employee Benefit Research Institute, 2007 Retirement Confidence Survey

7 For internal use only Average Annualized Return December 1926 – February 2013 HISTORICAL RETURNS 21 Performance of cash equivalents was measured using the historical 30-day U.S. Treasury Bill yields. Fixed income performance was measured using the U.S. Long-Term Corporate Bond and the U.S. Long-Term Government Bond. Equities performance was measured using the S&P 500 ® Index and U.S. Small Cap Stocks. These indices are unmanaged. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. Performance reflects the reinvestment of income payments. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. There is no assurance that the investment process will consistently lead to successful results. Please remember that each asset has its own unique risks and potential for reward. Equities Bonds Cash Equivalent IA SBBI U.S. LT Govt TR USD IA SBBI U.S. LT Corp TR USD 6.1% 5.7% IA SBBI S&P 500 TR USD 12.1% IA SBBI U.S. Small Stock TR USD 9.8% IA SBBI U.S. 30-Day TBill TR USD 3.6% IA SBBI U.S. Inflation 3.0% Inflation 7%

8 For internal use only 8

9 Average equity mutual fund investor as measured by Dalbar, Inc. Dalbar derives the average equity fund investor return using a proprietary model that measures actual historical mutual fund returns and average shareholder holding periods. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The S&P 500 is a market-value-weighted index of 500 stocks that is generally considered representative of the U.S. large-cap equity market. The index is unmanaged and not available for direct investment. Average Investor Has Underperformed Source: 2012 Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behavior, Dalbar Inc., April 2012. INVESTOR ERRORS Average Investor Return 3.49% (S&P 500) 7.81% 22 Returns for 20 years, 1992-2011

10 For internal use only Variable Annuities Growth Safety Tax Def “Pen /SS” Inc VA

11 For internal use only How VA Works $100k $120k $125k $200k $120k $100k $106k $120k $127.2k $200k $212k Account $ Pension $

12 For internal use only Guaranteed Income for Life 12

13 For internal use only Jackson VA Investment Options

14 For internal use only Snapshot of Funds Performance - Jackson By 8/26/2013 YTD: 38 funds beat S&P 500 index 1Y: 45 funds beat S&P 500 index 5Y: 19 funds beat S&P 500 index 10y: 32 funds beat S&P 500 index *Performance is net after fund expense and 1.3% M&E

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