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Movies, Copyright, PowerPoint, Oh my!! What?. What does Copyright/FairUse say? Video (for integration into.

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Presentation on theme: "Movies, Copyright, PowerPoint, Oh my!! What?. What does Copyright/FairUse say? Video (for integration into."— Presentation transcript:

1 Movies, Copyright, PowerPoint, Oh my!! What?

2 What does Copyright/FairUse say? Video (for integration into multimedia or video projects) Videotapes DVD LaserdDiscs QuickTime Movies Encyclopedias (CD ROM) Students "may use portions of lawfully acquired copyrighted works in their academic multimedia", defined as 10% or three minutes (whichever is less) of "motion media" The material must be legitimately acquired (a legal copy, not bootleg or home recording). Copyright works included in multimedia projects must give proper attribution to copyright holder.

3 What is CSS and Why do I care? How do I get a portion of a dvd into a multimedia project without breaking the DeCSS CSS ("Content Scrambling System") is an encryption system that most commercial DVDs use, and all DVD players need to understand. It's alleged purpose is to stop piracy, however it also enforces region coding, non-skippable FBI warnings or commercials and many other artificial restrictions.

4 How do I get just what I need from a DVD? Software tools Often referred to as DVD Rippers Fair Use states you can make a backup or your video but it does not allow the circumventing of the CSS. This is where a tool that will allow copying of a section on a DVD very important. In comes AoA

5 Open Up Media Player Classic Click on file open DVD

6 Why Media Player Classic? It allows you to scroll to a section of the video, get a time code which will be used to copy that section using AoA. Beginning and ending time code

7 How do I view the section of video? Load DVD

8 Finding the Movie Look for the file with the longest duration. This is usually the movie. Click on Movie Clip. A new window will open.

9 The start position is the number you took from Media Player. Put this number here. The End Position number is where you ended your selection, usually a max of 3 min in length. Put that number here. Click OK when done.

10 You will see this window again Set Convert to MPEG-1/VCD. Change your output directory where you want to save the file, then click the start button. The whole process takes around 5 min to complete.

11 This window appears saying you can only copy 10 minutes with this trials version. Since you can only copy up to 3 minutes, this is plenty of time. You can do this as many times as you want since it is always under 10 min Click continue evaluation to start.

12 This is the window that appears when the clip is being copied. It will let you know when it is done. Exit the program and get PowerPoint ready.

13 How do I get the clip into PowerPoint? Now comes the fun part. We are going to take the clip we just made and import it into this PowerPoint and make it play full screen. Are you ready?

14 Import video clip Click on “Insert movies and sound from file” located at the top menu bar.Choose movie from file and locate your video where you saved it. A menu will appear that says this. Choose When clicked.

15 To get the video to play in full screen when the powerpoint is running, right mouse click on the video clip to get this window.

16 Choose edit movie object from the list and then choose Zoom to full screen. Click OK.

17 In presentation mode, clicking the movie below will play it in full screen. Click It to try.

18 WOW! Where do I get the software? For Media Player lite players/media_player_classic.cfm players/media_player_classic.cfm For DVD Tool For Fair Use cases view/chapter9/index.html view/chapter9/index.html Copyright and fairuse for teachers

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