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Wyoming Water Development Program Working with the Water Development Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "Wyoming Water Development Program Working with the Water Development Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wyoming Water Development Program Working with the Water Development Commission

2 Water Development Program  Water Development Commission and Program  Who can receive funding from the WWDC  How can a BAG work with the WWDC to promote projects

3 Water Development Program  The Water Development Commission and Program were established in 1979  The Program is funded by Mineral Severance Taxes.

4 Water Development Program  Established to foster, promote and encourage optimal development of the state’s human, industrial, mineral, agricultural, water and recreational resources.  The program shall provide, through the commission policies for planning, selection, financing, construction, acquisition and operation of projects to conserve, store, distribute and use water……..

5 Water Development Program  Account I, New Development  Account II, Rehabilitation  Account III, Dams & Reservoirs

6 Water Development Program  From the Severance Tax Distribution Account Account I = 12.45% Account II = 2.1% Account III = 0.5%

7 Water Development Program  Funding and Management of Studies and Projects Level I Reconnaissance Studies; Baseline Studies & Master Plans Level II Feasibility Studies; Phase I, Phase II, & Phase III Level III Final Design & Construction Projects

8 Water Development Program  Project Approval & Funding Applications to WDO Approval by WWDC Approval by Select Water Committee Legislature omnibus water bill Bill signed by Governor

9 Water Development Program  Funding for Projects Level I Studies – 100% State Grant Level II Studies – 100% State Grant Level III final design and construction – 50% Grant and 50% Loan

10 Water Development Program Who can receive project funding?  Cities  Towns  Special Districts  Join Powers Boards  Conservation Dist  The key to receiving funding is being a public entity  Interested groups can apply for Level I and Level II studies  Sponsors must be a public entity at Level III

11 Water Development Program How can a Basin Advisory Group Work with the WDP?  As a formal organization such as a Joint Powers Board  Or as an informal group such as your BAG

12 Water Divisions

13 Water Development Program What can a BAG do to promote projects?  Provide Leadership Meet and talk with groups about potential Projects Stay involved at the state level  Provide Education Provide groups with information on sponsoring Projects

14 Water Development Program  If the BAG wants to form a Joint Powers Board what should they do? Approach and get approval from as many county commissions with in the basin as possible. Obtain legal assistance to from the board Determine what the mission of the board will be.

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