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Workshop EMTA on European programmes Rotterdam, 15 May 2014 Johan Diepens Ronald Jorna.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop EMTA on European programmes Rotterdam, 15 May 2014 Johan Diepens Ronald Jorna."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop EMTA on European programmes Rotterdam, 15 May 2014 Johan Diepens Ronald Jorna

2 European workshop programme 2-6-2016 3 1. Introduction to Horizon2020, TEN-T and Interreg:  Focus of the programmes  Relevant topics  How does it work  Example: CIPTEC proposal 2. Workshop:  Working in small groups  Identification of key challenges EMTA members are facing  Topics for European project(s)

3 Part 1: EU funding programmes Ronald Jorna 2-6-2016 4

4 European funding programmes 2-6-2016 5 Why participate in European projects?  Address common needs  Pooling resources  Integrating research  Learn from each other  Funding

5 European funding programmes 2-6-2016 6 Three relevant programmes (2014-2020):  Horizon 2020  focus on research  Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)  focus on TEN-T corridors and nodes  Interreg  focus on regional cooperation and development

6 Horizon2020 2-6-2016 7 What is Horizon 2020:  EC programme for € 80 billion Research & Innovation  Priority 3: Focus on societal challenges, including health, clean energy and transport  € 7,7 billion for ‘smart, green and integrated transport’  € 6,5 billion for ‘secure, clean and efficient energy’  Funding: 70-100% of (labour costs + 25% overhead) + 70- 100% of other costs (travel, subcontracting, etc.)  A project should consist of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries, but in general 10-20 partners are common, but also larger consortia consist (>50 partners).

7 Horizon2020 2-6-2016 8

8 Horizon 2020 2-6-2016 9 Relevant topics in Horizon 2020:  In ‘smart, green and integrated transport’, call 2015: Strengthening knowledge and capacities of local authorities (SUMP) Demonstrating/testing innovative solutions for clean and better urban transport and mobility (CIVITAS) Transport societal drivers Facilitating market take-up of innovative transport infra solutions Smart governance, network resilience and streamlined delivery of infrastructure innovation  December 2014 call open, submission in March 2015  In previous call (2014): Smart rail services Advanced bus concepts Tackling urban road congestion  CIPTEC proposal Transforming use of conventionally fuelled vehicles in urban areas ITS connectivity and seamless mobility

9 CIPTEC proposal 2-6-2016 10 Characteristics:  Full title: Collective Innovation for Public Transport in European Cities  Exploring how a favourable environment can be created for a significant growth in public transport at limited extra costs.  Total budget: around € 3 million  Limited involvement of EMTA: participation in meetings/workshops, advise, stakeholder involvement  Funding EMTA: approx. € 32.500 (100%)  Evaluation result first round expected in June 2014.

10 CIPTEC proposal 2-6-2016 11  Possibility for additional partner (transport authority, transport operator)

11 CIPTEC proposal 2-6-2016 12 Project activities 1.Market trends and users’ needs per customer group 2.Mapping/evaluation of innovative services and practices 3.Promoting innovation in PT by crowdsourcing, co- creation, engaging people and bridging PT with other sectors 4.Performing advanced marketing research and consumer experimentation and synthesizing the findings 5.Developing a Toolbox for PT operators/authorities towards integration of services and customers’ satisfaction. 6.Developing of a “model” strategy plan for public transport operators/authorities

12 CIPTEC proposal 2-6-2016 13 Possible role of EMTA and EMTA members: Provide input on market trends and users’ needs, review outcomes Indicate your research questions on innovative services and practices Assist researchers in getting access to PT users for crowd- sourcing and co-creation Facilitate researchers in doing advanced marketing research and consumer experimentation Help define format and type of tools needed for the toolbox....

13 Connecting Europe Facility  Supports efficient, integrated, sustainable, multimodal transport network in Europe.  Budget: €26,3 billion for 2014-2020, of which €11,3 billion for cohesion countries  Special focus on border crossing projects and bottlenecks on core network corridors. 14

14 Connecting Europe Facility Relevant for EMTA members:  Optimizing integration and links between transport modes, incl. horizontal projects (ERTMS, ITS): Actions on implementation of transport infrastructure at nodes of the core network, including urban nodes  Innovative projects (cities as living lab)  Both works and studies  Funding ranges from 20% for investments, 50% for studies and 85% for cohesion countries  Link to corridor coordinator required  Expected: 1 September 2014 (closing: February 2015) 15 2-6-2016

15 Interreg V 2-6-2016 16 What is Interreg A, B, C:  Interreg A: cross-border cooperation through joint local and regional initiatives  Interreg B: transnational cooperation aiming at achieving an integrated territorial development  Interreg C: interregional cooperation and the exchange of experience  Interreg Europe The EU provides approximately €9 billion for the European Territorial Cooperation from 2014

16 Interreg 2-6-2016 17 11 Funding priorities  Strengthening research, technological development and innovation  Enhancing access to and use and quality of ICT  Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs  Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors  Promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management  Protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency  Promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures  Promoting employment and supporting labour mobility  Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty  Investing in education, skills and lifelong learning by developing education and training infrastructure  Enhancing institutional capacity and an efficient public administration

17 Interreg VA 2-6-2016 18 Interreg A  €6.6 bln for the cross- border cooperation (INTERREG VA),  Chart: all cross-border regions of Germany  Example: new bus connection between German/Dutch border region Euregio (funding: €50.000)

18 Interreg VB 2-6-2016 19 Interreg B:  €1.8 bln for the transnational cooperation (INTERREG VB)  Chart: NWE region  Example: BAPT project: Boosting advanced public transport systems (7,6 mln funding)

19 Interreg VB 2-6-2016 20

20 Interreg Europe 2-6-2016 21 Interreg VC:  €500 mio for the inter- regional cooperation (INTERREG Europe)  Chart: eligible countries  Example: EPTA project: Enabling Public Transport Authorities in Europe (funding: €1,0 mln)

21 How do European programmes work? 2-6-2016 22  Influencing the programme content EC publishes Calls for proposals  Identify relevant topics  Set up or join a consortium  Write and submit proposal (1 or 2 stage process) EC carries out evaluation (with external experts)  Contract negotiation  Start of project Total duration from call to start of project: 12-15 months

22 How to get involved in EU programmes? 2-6-2016 23 Think about networking and building links with potential partners:  Who are the key players?  Who has been involved in previous projects / stakeholder groups?  How can you meet them? Attend events (info days, workshops), join EU evaluators database, join stakeholder groups, LinkedIn groups  Position yourself as a key partner  Get yourself known by European Commission staff, national representatives

23 2-6-2016 24 Part 2: Workshop Johan Diepens

24 Workshop approach 2-6-2016 25 1.All participants will be divided in small groups 2.Each group to answer the following questions:  What are the top-3 challenges/problems you are facing in your work (e.g. issues from strategic plan, workprogramme, etc.) in the next 10 years?  Related to the above: what topic(s) would you like to address in a potential European cooperation with other EMTA members, PT companies, vehicle manufacturers, research institutes, consultancies, etc.? 3.Plenary presentation of results 4.Ranking of results

25 Groups 2-6-2016 26

26 Workshop questions 1.What are the top-3 challenges/problems you are facing in your work in the next 10 years? 1.What topic(s) would you like to address in a potential European cooperation with other EMTA members, PT companies, vehicle manufacturers, research institutes, consultancies, etc.?

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